Page 29 of The Brooding Surgeon's Baby Bombshell
“He’s out and vitals stable,” the woman answered.
“Scalpel,” Gabe ordered.
His surgical nurse placed it in the palm of his hand. Seconds later Gabe went to work.
* * *
They were in the process of closing when the fellow, Dr. Webber, released a clamp.
“That needs to stay in place while we look for bleeders,” Gabe said sharply.
“But this has been the process before,” Dr. Webber replied.
“Not this time. I am trying a new procedure.”
“Yes, sir.” Dr. Webber replaced the clamp. “It’s your patient and your call.”
When Mr. Luther’s incision had been closed, Gabe said, “Well done, everyone.” He looked at the fellow. “Thank you. It’s been nice working with you. I believe we have a world-class team here.”
Despite the masks, he could see their smiles in their eyes. He left the OR and stepped into the next room to remove his surgical gown. A couple of the other staff followed.
“Nice job, Gabe,” one of the team said.
“Thanks. I thought it went exceptionally smoothly.” Gabe threw his gown in a basket.
“You were a little hard on the fellow in there, weren’t you?” another said.
Gabe shrugged. “My OR, my call.”
“Yeah, it was.”
Gabe headed straight for the surgery waiting room to see if Zoe was still there. Hopefully she’d gone home, but if not, he could at least walk her to the car. He wasn’t surprised to find she was still there.
Zoe stood and met him at the door. “Well, based on that smile on your face, everything went well.”
“It did. There were no complications. Barring any infection, Mr. Luther should recover quickly and I anticipate him doing well with a much-improved quality of life.”
She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him. “Thank you.”
He pulled her close, not caring who might see them.
When Zoe eased away, he said, “Now it’s time for you to go home. It’s late. I have to stay a while longer, but I’m going to walk you to the car.”
* * *
As they stood beside Zoe’s car, Gabe pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Zoe gladly returned it. His kisses made her forget the noise of an ambulance approaching, cars on the nearby freeway whizzing along and the clang of a large truck going over a bump. There was nothing but Gabe.
There was a promise in his kiss. Something that hadn’t been there before.
Gabe released her. “I’ll be home as soon as I can. Now, in the car with you.”
A little later, with a large yawn Zoe pulled into the carport and parked. It had been a long day. A few minutes later she climbed into what had become her and Gabe’s bed. Tonight she missed his welcoming body next to hers.
Sometime later she was aware of the moment Gabe slipped underneath the covers. The bed had gone from cool and lonely to warm and heavenly. He snuggled her in, just as he always did.
“What time is it?” she asked.
“Mr. Luther?”
“In ICU and doing great. Now shush, go back to sleep.” He kissed her forehead.
* * *
The next time Zoe woke, the morning sun was high and beaming into the bedroom windows. Gabe still snored softly next to her. She slowly slid out of his arms and from the bed. Picking up one of his shirts, she covered herself.
Knowing she would be out late, seeing about Mr. Luther, she had called the office and told them she wouldn’t be in that day. She would go by the hospital and check on Mr. Luther later in the day. Zoe smiled. Since she lived with the transplant surgeon, she could get a personal update.
She’d just started the coffeepot so it would be ready when Gabe walked into the kitchen.
His voice was extra-low and gruff from sleep. Oh, so sexy.
She smiled. “Hey.”
He took her in his arms. “Before you even ask, I just called the unit. Mr. Luther is doing great. They have already started weaning him off the respirator.”
“I can’t say thanks enough.”
“Why don’t you kiss me and we’ll call it even.” Gabe’s head was already moving toward hers.
Her arms circled his neck and she eagerly went to him. She put all the love she felt into showing him how much.
As she pulled back, Gabe said, “You keep that up and I’ll have to take you back to bed.”
“I don’t have a problem with that.” She smiled at him.
He chuckled. “That’s nice to hear but we should talk.”
“Why don’t we make breakfast first? Then we can talk while we eat.” Zoe was already pulling a pan out of the cabinet.
“Sounds like a plan.”
Half an hour later she and Gabe sat down at the table to what had turned into their favorite meal of eggs, bacon and toast.
Zoe had just picked up her fork when her phone rang. She looked at it. Shorecliffs. For them to be calling, something must be wrong with her mother. She answered.
“Ms. Avery, this is Ms. Marshall.”
“I’m sorry to have to tell you this but your mother is missing.”
“What!” Panic shot through Zoe, mixed with disbelief and shock. She looked at Gabe, who had stopped eating and wore a concerned look.
“One of the new employees left a door propped open and she walked out. We have it on video. We’re searching for her now. I have called the police. I wanted to let you know in case she comes to you.”
No one would be at the apartment. Her mother wouldn’t remember that Zoe now lived with Gabe.
Zoe stood. “I’ll help look. Please keep me informed.”
“We will. Again, I’m sorry about this.”
Zoe ended the call. To Gabe she said, “Mom’s missing. I have to go.”
Before he could respond his phone buzzed. Zoe rushed to her bedroom, already stripping off Gabe’s shirt as she went. Where could her mother be? What if she was hurt? Guilt assaulted Zoe. Her mother should be living with her. Instead, Zoe was busy playing “happy home” with Gabe.
He came to the door. “Tell me what happened.”
As she pulled on clothes, she told him what the woman had said. “I’m going to the old apartment to see if she’s there, even though I can’t imagine how she would get there.”
Gabe came closer. “That call was from the hospital. There’s an emergency and I’m needed. I’m sorry but I can’t go with you. I have to see about this.”
Zoe glared at him. “What? My mother is missing. You aren’t going to help me look for her?”
He gave her an imploring look. “I’ve got to go. It’s my responsibility.”
“Couldn’t someone else fill in for you just for a little while?”
“I’m the head of the department. It’s my job.”
“Go. Do what you need to do. If you’re needed, you’re needed.” She pulled on her pants. But she needed him too. Still, his job was important. It hurt that he couldn’t be there for her. When had she last been this scared? When her father had left.
“You take care of yourself. Don’t do anything crazy. She has to be near the home.”
“You don’t know that. She could be anywhere!” Zoe lashed back. She jerked her shoes on.
“Call me the second you find her.”
Zoe pushed past him and hurried down the hall toward the garage. “Okay. I’ve got to go and find my mother.”
* * *
Gabe shook his head. As nice as the day had started, with Zoe sharing his bed and the plans he’d had for them coming to an understanding about the future, it had all turn upside down and ugly with two quick calls. He had left the house with the thought he would clear up the problem at the hospital and join Zoe in the search, but it didn’t work out that way.