Page 21 of Redeeming the Rebel Doc
Tiffani hesitated, so Rex carried on.
“I understand the campaign and the chance for the promotion is important to you. I respect that.” He continued to play with her fingers as he leaned back on the sofa and twisted sideways to face her, bending his knee to bring his leg up on the cushions.
He was saying all the right things. “I promised myself I wouldn’t have another office romance or let myself get carried away again...”
“It doesn’t take much for us to get carried away,” Rex said with a grin.
“No, it doesn’t.” She looked at him from beneath her lashes.
Rex gave her a sly grin. “I like it when you get carried away. Those sweet moans, your touches and kisses. Look at me, Tiffani.”
She did, against her better judgment.
“If we’d kept going the way we were in the kitchen, I would’ve had you on the floor in two more seconds. You deserve better than that. I want to make sure we’re on the same page. I never want you to regret being with me, or being honest about your feelings.”
Despite what she had said about being careful, her half-healed heart opened and took him in. He was thinking about her. Not what he needed or what she could do for him, but what was best for her. She’d had that so rarely in her life. Since she’d been young it had always been about helping her mother, her father, her family. With Lou it had been all about him. “Thank you for that.”
“I’m going to make you a promise right now. I’ll always be honest with you and will never hide who I am from you. What you see is what you get. Okay?”
She nodded.
“Now, with your permission, I’m going to show you just how amazing I think you are.”
If she took this chance, she was opening the door to pain—but if she didn’t, what would she miss out on? The possibility of something wonderful with Rex. She was going to take the chance. “Okay.”
He pulled her onto his lap, his mouth taking hers. Their tongues danced as his hand made a path through her hair.
Tiffani met him kiss for kiss. She wanted this. If there was fallout with her job she would deal with it. Her heart would be hard to handle but she would face that when and if it happened. Rex had made her promises and she trusted him.
He released her mouth and sat back. “This has to go,” he said, tugging at her T-shirt.
“The windows. Daylight,” she muttered through her stupor. The rain was still pounding against them, but they were exposed nevertheless.
“No one is going to see us. And I can’t imagine anything more beautiful than you naked in the light. Your body should never be hidden.”
A shot of delight went through her to know Rex desired her so much.
He raised her hands, skimming the shirt off. Tiffani cupped his face, brushed his hair away and with a gentle tug brought his lips to hers. Into her kiss she put all her passion. He pulled back and gave her a wicked look that started a pulsating need deep in her center. “You keep that up and I might not be accountable for what I do next.”
“I might like that.”
With all the confidence she’d heard more than once when he talked to his patients, he said, “I can guarantee it. But right now I want to admire you.”
He dropped his gaze to her breasts. His hands tenderly caressed them, making them tingle. She hissed in pleasure when the pads of his thumbs massaged her nipples. They rose hard and erect as if straining for more of his caresses. The pulsating in her center began to grow. She held her breath as his head moved lower.
His warm, wet mouth covered a nipple. Letting her head fall back, she closed her eyes and relished the wave of hot desire rolling through her. As Rex’s tongue circled then softly tugged, her center contracted. She squirmed, needing more. So much more. And soon.
He lingered, her tip remaining in his mouth. The pressure between her legs intensified. Rex took the other breast and gave it equal loving attention. How he pulled such feeling from her was a mystery she didn’t care to solve. The cool air on her wet breast sent a shiver through her that quickly became a quiver of increasing need.
She feared she was going to spiral off into space too soon. His arousal pressed hard against her hip. She shifted, rubbing against it, eliciting an animal sound from him. As Rex suckled, he nudged her back on the sofa. His hand returned to fondle her other breast as his mouth continued working its magic.
Tiffani opened her eyes and pushed his hair away so she could watch. A sense of wonder filled her. This gorgeous, intelligent and uncommon man was loving her. She’d never been this hot for a man’s touch.
* * *
His hand slipped from her breast and caressed the outside of her thigh then up and over it. He shifted her so he could touch where she was hot and wanting. He rubbed the fabric covering the juncture of her thighs back and forth. She closed her eyes and savored the erotic sensation, heat bubbling within.
Rex raised his eyes. Their gazes met and held as he shifted on top of her, the ridge of his desire barred from her center by clothing. She writhed.
“Tiff, you are so amazing. Do you feel what you do to me?” He flexed against her.
She ran her hands over his chest and down to the hem of his shirt. Slipping her hands beneath it, she caressed his heated skin. Wanting more, she pushed his shirt up until he sat on his knees and yanked it over his head.
Tiffani reveled in the sight of so much of masculine flesh on view just for her. He lowered himself once more and she traced a fingertip over one of his ribs.
He hissed as she continued to explore the line of hair disappearing under the waistband of his shorts. His mouth claimed hers as their skin met.
No man before Rex had ever set her nerve endings on overload like this.
His kiss was gentle, almost reverent. Giving. Reassuring.
While he began dropping small kisses along her cheek, he pushed at the sweat pants he’d loaned her. She shifted, helping him to shove them from her hips and tug them to her knees. He rolled to his side and his palm found the plane of her belly. Leisurely, he moved his fingers over her skin, studying and surveying, slowly moving downward to brush the curls.
Tiffani watched as Rex explored her body. His eyes abruptly rose to meet hers. “So beautiful.”
Everything he’d said and done in these last almost eternal moments were like a balm to her wounded soul. He made her believe she was significant to his world.
She guided his lips to hers. Kissed him with gentle appreciation.
His finger found her bare center and teased her entrance. She moaned. Every fiber of her being was focused on his next action.
With one smooth move he slipped his finger inside her. She involuntarily flexed toward him. He exited and entered, repeating it with increasing speed until Tiffani thought she wasn’t going to survive the excruciating bliss. Heat built, flamed, until it roared in her ears. Without warning, it back-flashed, spiraling into a tower that bore her high. Gently she floated in a cloud of ecstasy that brought her softly back to reality.
Blinking, she registered she was naked in the daylight on Rex’s sofa while he smiled down at her.
He whispered, “That was the most stunning sight I’ve ever seen. Thank you for letting me be a part of it.”
How could she not love a man like him? But she would never say that aloud.
* * *
The moment Tiffani had found her pleasure by his hand, something changed in Rex. No one had ever let go so totally or readily for him. She still had him tied up in knots of need for his own release but
he’d found joy in just watching her. Something beyond his understanding was happening between them.
He didn’t have women to his place. Didn’t have sex in his living room in the daylight. Didn’t bring people involved in his work life into his personal world. He was at a loss for what to think.
What had made him scrap all his standards and beliefs?
He looked down at her, lying half beneath him. She was watching him with a shy expression. “Thank you, Rex. For that wonderful...” She waved her hand. Her fingertips brushed his chest and his manhood jumped. Her eyes widened for a fraction of a second. “And for making me feel special.”
He shifted, letting her know he still desired her. “You are special.”
Seconds later she pulled her legs from beneath him. Kicking off her pants, she stood before him. There was nothing unsure about her direct look. She reached out her hand. He took it. Tiffani led him toward the bedrooms. When she started into the one she knew he pulled her hand. “Mine.”
She took the lead again, taking him to the edge of his bed and stopping. Looking him straight in the eyes, she pushed at the waistband of his shorts until they dropped to the floor. She stepped back and studied his manhood straining stone hard toward her. Her gaze wandered over his chest before her look met his again. The tip of her fingers caressed the top of one shoulder.
When was the last time he’d quivered with need like this? Had he ever?
“You’re too much. Too male. Too gorgeous. Too sexy. Too caring,” she whispered, as she took hold of his waist then came up on her toes to kiss him. The second he tried to take her in his arms she stilled him but continued to build the heat in him by nibbling kisses along his mouth. She took his bottom lip between her teeth, giving it a gentle squeeze.
Releasing his mouth and hands, she grasped his forearms and turned him so his back was to the bed. He started to wrap his arms around her but she pushed them away. “Not yet. It’s still my turn.”
That was the Tiffani he recognized. The one in control, who knew what she wanted and would get it. The strong, self-assured person, not the sad, beaten one he’d seen earlier. He liked her vulnerable side that needed him but this bold one was hot, set his blood on fire.