Page 16 of Redeeming the Rebel Doc
She would be seeing him on Saturday for the Walk with a Doc event. At least he’d committed to it and she wouldn’t have to blackmail him into going. Maybe while they were there she could work on convincing him he needed to do more interviews. He’d been a natural on-camera, and discussions like those were the perfect outlet for her PR campaign.
Really, though, with his charm, anything that involved a woman was his forum. Maggie wasn’t the only one captivated by Rex. No matter how Tiffani tried to deny it, she too was quickly falling under his spell.
RINGING WOKE TIFFANI early on Friday morning. She rolled over, grabbed her cellphone and glanced at the number. Rex. Her heart skipped. Thoughts of him had been circling in her head all night and none had to do with the campaign. Why was he calling now? Had something happened?
“Hey, there, sleepyhead.” He sounded far too cheerful. “If you don’t want me to arrive on my bike tomorrow I’m going to need you to come by and pick me up. My buddy needs his truck.”
By the tone of his voice he was enjoying the idea of making her his chauffeur for the day. Regardless, she didn’t want him arriving on his bike for the Walk with a Doc event. She didn’t want any opportunity for negative publicity about Rex to present itself, not when the campaign was going so well after his interview. There had been a huge amount of positive feedback on social media regarding the “cute doctor.” She didn’t need any damaging press right now.
“What’s your address? I’ll be around to get you about seven thirty tomorrow morning.”
“Great, then I’ll see you bright and early.” Rex gave her an address that she recognized as being in the historical district, then said goodbye, leaving her alone with her thoughts about him.
* * *
On Saturday morning, Tiffani was up and out of bed earlier than normal. For reasons she refused to examine, she took longer than usual deciding what to wear, refusing for a second time to think about why she felt a deep-seated need to look nice for Rex. She decided to forgo the PR attire in an effort to appear more feminine and casual. After careful consideration she chose a short-sleeved, red button-down shirt and black skinny jeans. As a final touch, she pulled her hair up into a loose ballerina bun.
Rex’s neighborhood had recently gone through rejuvenation. Young families and professionals were moving back. Trendy restaurants and jazz bars were in abundance. The famous Beale Street was only a few blocks away. If she could afford it, the area would be a place she would enjoy living.
Tiffani pulled up in front of the address Rex had given. It was a red brick building with the type of tall windows she’d always found especially appealing.
She pulled to the curb and texted him.
I’m here.
In less than a minute he came out of a dark wooden door and headed toward her. His hair was pushed away from his face and held by a ball cap worn backward. The T-shirt he wore fit him well enough to reveal his muscular chest. She acknowledged to herself, with a bit of guilt, that his jeans and tennis shoes suited him better than the “business” clothes she’d coaxed him into wearing for the photos. However, she had no choice but to present him as a polished, competent professional on the billboards.
His smile was broad as his eyes met hers through the windshield. It was refreshing to have someone glad to see her. Her father was only happy to see her when he wanted something and Lou had never exhibited such a look of joy when he’d seen her.
“Mornin’, Tiff,” Rex said as he climbed in. “Man, I forgot about how small your car is.” He worked to get his long legs inside. “Will you help me out if I need it?”
She giggled. “That would be a good clip for the media. Me bent over your lap.”
His look caught hers. “Sounds interesting to me.”
She felt the rush of heat from head to toe.
Although he’d turned her remark into a naughty image, he might really need her assistance in getting out. His knees pressed against the dashboard even with the passenger seat as far back as it would go.
Rex remarked, “If I hang out with you much longer, you’re either going to have to get on my bike or buy a larger car.”
Was he thinking about them spending more time together? She had been. Despite his attitude about the campaign, she’d discovered she liked him. Liked how he had challenged her in the past few days to step out of her secure world.
She mustn’t let herself think about such things. If, no, when, she got the promotion, she was moving out of town. She certainly didn’t need a long-distance relationship that would no doubt end in another ugly breakup. She had sworn to herself she wouldn’t go through that hell again.
It had rained near daybreak and the early morning streets were still damp. There were no clouds in the sky now, but in their area of the south it wasn’t uncommon to get storms late in the afternoon.
Finding a parking spot near Tom Lee Park, she pulled in. Rex did have some difficulty getting out but, thankfully, he didn’t request her help. They walked toward the staging area near the entrance of the park with the wide flowing Mississippi River on one side. She would miss it when she left. Tiffani glanced at Rex. He might be something else she’d miss as well.
Tents were set up in a grassy area with tables and chairs under them. People mingled while others worked to prepare for the event. As she and Rex moved toward the starting/finishing line, marked by a high arch of balloons, she overheard one woman say to another, “Isn’t that the doctor on the billboard?”
“What’re they talking about? Have the billboards already gone up?” Rex immediately demanded.
Tiffani stopped. He did too. She turned and pointed toward a billboard just barely visible in the distance on which Rex was bigger than life, standing in front of the hospital in his dress shirt, stethoscope around his neck, arms crossed over his chest and smiling with self-assurance. Everything about the picture generated an impression of you-can-have-confidence-in-me.
“I’m sure they’re talking about that one, but there are others around town.”
Rex groaned as if in pain. “The people I work with are already making fun of me about the interview. This isn’t going to help things. How many are there?”
“Three, and I hope to put up a couple more. I wanted them in the most prominent places so I’m having to wait until space becomes available.”
“You’re killing me, woman.” He started walking again.
Grinning, Tiffani caught up. “I told you I planned to do billboards as soon as possible.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t really think it through.” He looked disgusted. “I’m so...large.”
“But at least you’re handsome.” Tiffani realized too late what she’d said.
Rex smirked his pleasure. “So you think I’m handsome?”
“You’re not going to pull me into that conversation.” She walked faster.
He called after her, “You can’t run and hide. I heard you.”
She was glad when they reached the starting area. The WMEP crew was already setting up.
If she could manage it, Tiffani planned to have Rex do another quick interview with Maggie. Tiffani was certain it wouldn’t be a problem after Maggie’s reaction to him on Thursday. He’d charmed her without a doubt, but Tiffani knew convincing him to do another interview would be difficult.
“Hey,” she said, as if on impulse, “I know you don’t like all this limelight but I really do appreciate you working with me. I reported how things are going to Dr. Nelson yesterday. He seemed pleased and implied that the board would be as well.”
“I’m glad someone’s happy,” Rex grumbled.
“Today would be another big boost if you’ll just be agreeable. Would you do a short interview with Maggie about the event today?”
“I’m always agreeable,” he said in a snide tone.
She gave h
im a dubious look and put her hands together in a praying manner. “Will you, please?”
He sighed deeply, giving her an uncertain look. Just when she expected him to refuse, he said, “I’ll do it if you really think it’s necessary.”
“I do. I’ll go see if I can find Maggie.” Tiffani hurried off with a smile on her face.
* * *
Rex watched Tiffani walk off in the direction of the TV van. She had a sweet little tush. One he wanted to cup and pull against him. Yet she behaved as if she had her elbows locked to keep him at arm’s length. All she seemed to think about was her campaign. He consoled himself that at least they would have some personal time during the walk.
He liked these types of events, even though he didn’t often get to participate in them. Most of his time was tied up at the hospital or the clinic. This morning was pleasant and the crowd was animated, clearly eager to have a good time, so he was going to make the most of it.
He looked in the direction of the call. Tiffani was waving at him. He strolled over to her.
“Maggie said she’d love to talk to you.”