Page 19 of Highland Doc's Christmas Rescue
The smile that lit her eyes and curved her mouth was suggestive and stimulating, promising delights to come. Excitement set his blood on fire.
Cass reached for his sweater and started to remove it. He stepped back just enough to whip it off. As she balanced on the sofa back, her hands went to the bottom button of his shirt. She unfastened each one with astonishing speed, pushing the material to either side, exposing his chest.
When she licked her lips, he was almost undone. Only with self-control that he wasn’t aware he possessed did he manage not to flip her over on the cushions of the sofa and have his way. But Cass deserved better than that. She was someone who merited the best he could offer, and he vowed she would receive it. He cared too much about her for their joining to be anything less.
Lyle watched her face as her index finger traveled across his chest, around his nipples, then followed the line of hair disappearing beneath his pants. She let that naughty finger dip inside his waistband and tugged him to her. Her eyes were wide, questioning.
He found her lips again. When she pushed his shirt off his shoulders, he finished removing it without his mouth leaving hers. More than once he’d seen the fire in Cass. Her intensity for life was momentarily banked but he hadn’t been prepared for this profound craving to explore her passion. He wanted, needed, to see more of her, touch more of her, to experience all of Cass.
Pulling her shirt up, he ran his hand over the smoothness of her back until he found the edge of her bra and followed it around to her breast. His hand covered it. She stilled. Her breathing had turned into panting. Satisfaction filled him when just the brush of his thumb made her nipple harden, pushing against the material of the bra. He quickly found the back clasp and released the barrier. Pushing it away, he caressed her skin until he found her breasts once more. Cupping one, he judged its weight. Perfect.
Cass leaned back slightly against his arm. Her eyelids were half-closed and her lips swollen from his kisses. She was gorgeous. Stunning. Her lips parted. Heat shot through him. He pushed her shirt out of the way and covered her nipple with his mouth. Cass moaned. Her fingers ran through his hair as she held him close.
He twirled his tongue, teasing her nipple until it stood high. Cass made a crooning sound. When it turned to a coo, Lyle’s heart sored. Pleased with himself, he moved to the other breast. As he achieved the same results his desire matched hers. Holding her securely around the waist with one arm, he leaned her back to view the full landscape. Cass lying out before him was beautiful scenery to behold. Eyes satisfied, his mouth feasted on her full breasts until she forcibly pulled his lips to hers.
As her flesh meshed with his, the aching in his body became raw pain. He pulled away, helping her to sit up straight. He steadied her with his hands on her waist. “Cass, are you sure you want to do this? Do you want to go upstairs? You decide.”
To his alarm and disappointment, she pulled her shirt down over the mesmerizing view. Just as he let go of her waist so she could move away she said in a soft sexy voice, “I’ve always wanted to see your bedroom.”
Lyle grinned. “Always, is it? I like the idea of that.” He offered his hand, palm up. “Then let me give you a tour.”
* * *
Cass floated more than walked up the narrow stairs behind Lyle. His firm hand clasping hers reassured her of his desire. She didn’t want that to ever wane.
Even so, this impulsive decision to share Lyle’s bed was reckless and far out of character. Yet this newfound freedom was intensely exciting. Anticipation tingled along every nerve. Lyle’s touch, his smell, the flames of desire in his eyes all drew her to him. Being with him made her feel wonderful. Made her forget her losses. Dream of the gains. She wanted these precious moments and as long as he was willing to create them, she would take all he offered.
Tomorrow she would worry about the repercussions.
Right now, she was going to enjoy feeling, being alive as never before and leave her fear and hurt outside in the cold.
Lyle’s bare back was wide, solid and strong. He was everything she needed in life right now. Was she using him? Maybe, but she would see to it he received as good as he gave. Because of him she had remembered how to give and felt whole for the first time in weeks.
At the top of the stairs he turned right down a small hallway and entered a dark room. Not letting go of her hand, he continued to lead her across the floor. Her socked feet sank into a plush rug seconds before a click heralded light. A lamp sat on a small wooden table beside a large impressive bed. The dark headboard almost reached the ceiling while the matching footboard rose a few feet above the mattress. A quilt in browns and tans covered it.
Lyle turned to her. “Are you still sure you want this?”
Cass cherished his thoughtfulness. She cupped one of his cheeks. “Oh, yes.” Going up on her toes, she kissed him.
That was all the invitation he seemed to require. Pulling her tight against him, Lyle tumbled with her to the bed. She winced.
Lyle said a harsh word under his breath. Raising himself so that he could see her, he asked. “Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry.” He made a move to leave her.
She pulled him back. “Just a little tender. But I’m all right. How about kissing me?”
Lyle smiled. “With pleasure.” His lips found hers.
As he kissed her his hands explored and caressed her waist and hips before lightly trailing between her legs. By the time they pulled apart, her center beat like a drum keeping rhythm with their heavy breathing.
Lyle rolled to his side, supported his head in his hand, and studied her. His other hand went to the hem of her shirt and beneath it. She shivered when his fingers found skin and skimmed along it. His heated gaze met hers. “Shh... I want to see all of you.”
She looked away. “I have scars from the accident...”
Lyle’s lips found hers briefly. “Even those. They’re part of who you are now. The amazing person you are.”
Cass had never thought of them like that. Her fear had been that they would be one more turn-off for men. She tried to relax as Lyle pushed her shirt and bra up, exposing her breasts. When he wanted to remove her shirt, she lifted off the bed enough for him to do so.
“More beautiful than I imagined.”
She studied him in wonder. He’d been thinking about her, imagining her without clothes? The revelation was like a balm to her battered emotions.
Lyle gave her a gentle kiss before moving to one breast, then the other. “So sweet.” He rotated her so he could see the injury on her arm then gently kissed the area. “I’m so sorry you were hurt.”
nts later his hand moved to the button of her pants and undid it. It took him no time to find the aching need at her center and slide a finger inside. She squirmed. Instead of giving her the relief she yearned for, his caress heightened her burning need.
“Lyle...” she crooned. Her gaze met his.
He kissed her deeply and continued his ministrations. Stopping, he tugged at her pants. Cass lifted her hips, assisting him in the process before kicking them to the floor. Lyle ran his hand along her right thigh. He paused over the puckered skin, then leaned toward it.
She shifted away. “Don’t. It’s so ugly.”
“Shh... Nothing about you is ugly.”
Lyle lightly kissed the area then his mouth moved to hers as his nimble finger entered her again. As it teased, his tongue mimicked the erotic dance.
Cass forgot everything but the sensation Lyle was creating in her. Cass’s body tightened as the longing built, pleading for release. When she reached the limits of her endurance her body took over as if leaving her behind. She closed her eyes, flexed her back and tightened her legs around his hand, slipping into the land of wonder and delight that Lyle had built just for her.
Lyle’s kisses gentled. He gave her one quick peck before he left her. Cass opened her eyelids just enough to see him shuck his pants in one swift movement. He stood strong and proud. Her breath caught in her throat at the beauty before her. She had caused this reaction in him. With that knowledge came a sense of amazement and power. Lyle obviously wanted her as much as she did him. He opened the drawer on the bedside table and removed a package, tore it open and rolled the condom on. Stepping to the bed, he looked down at her.
Cass opened her arms. Lyle came to her and she pulled him close. Her legs opened and he entered her slowly. She accepted all of him, but just barely. He eased out of her snug core, then plunged in again. Taking his head in both hands, Cass brought his mouth to hers. She loved kissing him. Loved how he made her feel—happy and healthy once again. Lyle increased his pace. The friction grew, building on itself. That growling need she’d known before returned with a vengeance.