Page 17 of The Sheikh Doc's Marriage Bargain
“I think you do. You do not trust me because of this. You judge me by him. Because of this reptile you have hidden away in a lab and missed out on life. You are afraid to trust.”
“That’s not true.” Laurel looked into the pool, watching the ripples from a slight breeze. She hadn’t been doing that, had she? Wasn’t she just dedicated to her work?
“Then prove it. Spend the day with me tomorrow. We both have earned a day off. I will show you Zentar City. We will have dinner, just the two of us. I will show you how a man treats a woman. With respect.”
“I don’t think that would be a good idea.” She was afraid to spend time with him. Not because she didn’t trust him but because she didn’t trust herself.
“I promise that it will be because I wish to be with you and not because I have made some juvenile bet.”
“Why would a man like you want to spend time with me?”
With his index finger under her chin he turned her head so she had no choice but to look at him. His gaze met hers. “You really have no idea how refreshing you are to be around, do you?”
She shook her head. “I guess not.”
“You are. Let’s go tomorrow and have a good time and see where it leads. We will go to the marketplace and I will show you the sites around the city. What do you have to lose?”
Her heart? He studied her with a sincere expression she recognized as genuine. Could she give him a chance? “Okay. As friends.”
“For as long as you want it that way.”
In one lithe movement Tariq stood and offered his hand. She took it and he pulled her to her feet. Her body brushed his as she moved. He put some space between them. “I will see you in the morning in the dining room for breakfast and then we will start out. Now, off to bed with you.”
Laurel headed down the path, even though her body begged to stay and be held against his. As she started through the foliage Tariq called, “Do not forget your sunscreen and a hat. Goodnight, habibti.”
TARIQ SAT AT the table the next morning, finishing his second cup of coffee. He had waited for Laurel long enough to start wondering if she would show up. Had she gone to the lab without letting anyone know? He checked his watch once more. If she did not make an appearance in ten minutes he would send for her. He was already debating whether or not to go to her room.
“What are you so nervous about? She will come.” Zara buttered her bread with a smile on her face.
“I’m not nervous.” Tariq came close to snarling. He was not used to anyone commenting on his emotional state. In fact, he generally concealed it.
Zara’s grin grew wider. “Tariq, you forget I have known you for a long time. This woman matters to you. I’m glad to see it. Rasheed would be too, if he were here.”
“He would also find humor in my actions.” Tariq’s brother had often made unmerciful fun of him.
A sad smile covered her lips. “That he would.”
The soft pad of feet in the hall drew his attention. Laurel came through the doorway. Her hair was pulled back, as always, but it was loose otherwise and bounced becomingly about her shoulders as she walked. He itched to see it down and flowing over her slender, pale shoulders.
Those dreams were better left in a locked box in his mind. Today was about showing her that all men were not brutes.
She wore a simple T-shirt, jeans and flat, functional shoes. Her ever-present oversized bag hung over one shoulder and she carried a wide-brimmed hat. Behind her glasses her large eyes were glowing with eagerness. Her shirt was tight enough to accentuate her full and tempting breasts. If he did not harness his libido now, he would be in trouble. Laurel had no idea how attractive she was, despite her lack of attention to her appearance.
He had carefully calculated their day, wanting to show her all the sights and sounds of his city. Then he had a nice dinner planned for them. Tariq resisted the urge to coax more than that from Laurel. His goal was for her to start trusting him.
“Good morning.” He stood.
“Hi,” came her shy reply. “Sorry. I slept in. Which I never do. Hello, Zara.”
“Good morning.” Zara looked at him, then at Laurel and back again. “I should check on Roji.” She took her bread and went out the door.
Zara would have some teasing comment when next he saw her, he was sure. To Laurel he said, “You have had a busy week.”
“I guess I was more tired than I thought.”
“Come and have a seat.” He held a chair for her next to him. “Are you ready to see my city?”
She sat. The smell he loved so much surrounded her. “I believe so.”
Laurel put the wide-brimmed hat in the empty chair next to her.
“I see you followed directions about a hat. Did you put on sunscreen?”
She nodded. “Don’t let that go to your head. The me following your directions part.”
“I am sure you will manage to see that it does not.” They were bantering, he realized with amazement. Since when did he do that with a woman outside his family? Why did being around Laurel make him act oddly? “You need to eat a hearty meal this morning because we will be doing a lot of walking.”
One of the staff entered with a cup of tea in one hand and a muffin in the other.
Laurel smiled. “Thank you, Marcus. How’s your wife feeling?”
Why did it not surprise Tariq that Laurel would ask the man a personal question in the presence of a member of the royal family? She did not stand on ceremony.
Marcus glanced at him. Tariq nodded. Trying to conceal his relief, Marcus said with subdued politeness, “She is much better, thank you, Your Highness.”
Laurel looked at Tariq as she picked up her muffin. “I saw Marcus’s wife at the clinic the first day. They’re expecting a baby.”
He looked at Marcus. “I did not know. Congratulations.”
The man grinned. “Thank you, Your Highness.” He slipped quietly out of the room.
“Do you mind if we stop by the lab for a few moments this morning?” Laurel popped a piece of muffin into her mouth.
“I do. I have a busy day planned that does not involve work for either one of us.” Tariq leaned back in his chair and picked up his coffee cup, expecting fireworks from the chair next to his.
“Not even thirty minutes? I have tests to check.”
“No, not even th
at. Your work is important. I wish for you to do it, of course, but it is just as important that you take time for yourself as well.”
She picked up her tea cup and gave him a direct look. “So says the Prince who jets all over the world and is never without a stack of papers in his hands.”
“So we are going to start our day in an argument?” Tariq liked debating with her, enjoyed seeing her eyes flash with emotion. Sometime very soon he would like to see passion in her gaze when she looked at him.
“No, I was just stating a fact.”
Tariq looked at her over the brim of his cup. “Yes, but I believe I also told you I make sure to take time off.”
They lapsed into a silence he found surprisingly comfortable.
When Laurel had finished her muffin Tariq pushed back his chair. “We should be going. The market will be hot if we wait until the middle of the day.”
A few minutes later they were making their way down the hall. As they walked he asked, “Is there anything special you would like to do that you have heard about?”
He was on the verge of repeating himself when Laurel said, “I’d like to see the seashore. I miss Lake Michigan.”
“I will put that on the schedule.”
They exited into the courtyard. He had asked Nasser to have his personal car brought around.
“Are we going in this?” Laurel’s voice held a note of awe.
Tariq put on his sunglasses. “It is my car. So yes.”
Laurel trailed a finger down the side of his shiny black two-seater convertible.
“It’s gorgeous. I’ve always wanted to ride in one.”
Tariq chuckled and opened the passenger door. “Then get in.”
Laurel continued to surprise him. She looked at the car in the same way he sometimes caught her looking at him, as if he were a piece of her favorite candy. He was not sure he wished to share that with a car. He preferred being the center of her attention.