Page 13 of The Sheikh Doc's Marriage Bargain
As he drew near, he glimpsed a hint of her full breasts in the lace-lined V neckline of her pale teal, nylon gown. Although robed, most of her curled legs were exposed. They were beautiful. Temptation to run a finger along one silky-looking thigh and calf almost overrode common sense.
Tightening his lips, he scooped her into his arms, bringing her against his chest. Laurel weighed almost nothing. Murmuring something, she burrowed her cheek against him. He laid her on the turned-down bed, careful to nestle her head on a pillow, and pulled the covers over her enticing body.
Laurel’s eyes fluttered open. “Tariq?”
“Yes, habibti, it is I. I am putting you to bed.”
She muttered something incomprehensible and pulled a pillow close.
Tariq tucked her in and backed away. He would be a very lonely groom tonight. In no mood to face the stack of paperwork on his evening agenda, he decided an exhausting swim and then a cold shower was what he needed.
An hour later he made another turn in the pool and went into the breaststroke. He was punishing himself, but Laurel’s face, so sweet and innocent in sleep, he could not get out of his mind. Her slim body had fit so perfectly against his, it felt as if she were made for him. Which was impossible. He should not, did not, deserve a woman like Laurel. What he had learned about her upbringing and family made him believe she would want the same for her children. He could never offer her that. He needed to keep in the forefront of his mind why Laurel was in Zentar. She was here to do crucial medical research, which was far more important than his baser needs. He needed to focus on his job as Health Minister. His family’s future and that of his country depended on it.
Tomorrow the clinic would open for the first patient and Laurel’s work would begin again. He should prepare, ensure everything was in order. However, he needed to put distance between him and his wife. The wife he had never planned to have. Even now he was surprised he had insisted that he be the one she should marry.
But it was in name only. Otherwise he would be in bed with her right now, awaking the passion he was positive was just below her surface.
* * *
Laurel woke at sunrise in the luxurious bed with its deep mattress, plump pillows all around her. How had she gotten here? Tariq. She thought she had been dreaming of being in his arms. It had felt so good, so right. He had called her something. What was it? Hab...something? What did it mean?
All night she had relived that moment he’d kissed her after the ceremony. The instant his mouth had claimed hers, all else had faded away. It had only been the two of them in the world. She had seen the desire burning in his eyes. Felt the heat of him against her. Tasted his lips as his beard had brushed her cheek. The feel of being alive and wanted had swirled through her, tugging her into the vortex that was Tariq.
She longed for that whirlwind to sweep her away and for her to ride it to its natural conclusion, but she would never allow Tariq to know that. Instead she had spent her wedding night alone. She couldn’t risk giving in to her body’s reactions to Tariq’s virile attentions.
When Larry had shown her the same kind of interest, it had been so new and exciting she’d fallen hard, and had been sure she was in love...only to discover to her horrified humiliation that his interest had been a heartless act. He had felt nothing for her during their brief relationship and he had cruelly stated that moments after he’d gotten what he’d wanted from her.
She would never recover if she let her guard down and fell victim to Tariq’s wiles.
To be used and discarded, which Tariq would surely do, wasn’t something she could live through again. She would keep her mind clear, do her work and stay out of his way. He was busy enough with all his royal responsibilities that he wouldn’t have time for her if she kept out of his sight.
Laurel shook her head and threw the covers back before jumping out of bed. It was time to go to work. Tariq wouldn’t be kissing her again. She would see to that. Going to the phone, she picked it up. A heavily accented male voice answered in English, “How may I help you?” Embarrassment filled her at having to have someone wait on her. That was a foreign concept for her. “This is Dr. Martin. May I have a muffin and tea brought to my room? I promise to find the dining room this evening.”
“Right away, Princess Laurel.”
Princess Laurel. She would never get used to that title. “Thank you.”
She hurried to take a quick shower. She was wrapping her hair in a towel when there was a knock on the door. Pulling on her robe, she called, “I’m coming.”
Fully expecting one of the staff with her breakfast, her jaw dropped and she stood speechless when she saw Tariq standing there. There was a small lift to the corner of his lips as he surveyed her from the top of her twisted towel to her red-painted toenails. Then he drawled, “Good morning, Laurel.”
Heat flashed through her and she didn’t need a mirror to know her cheeks were bright pink. She stammered, “Wh-what’re you d-doing here?”
He glanced down and her attention followed to the small tray in his hand. “I brought you breakfast.”
Why was he doing that? “Aw...thank you.”
“I was headed this way and I offered to bring it.”
Tariq looked amused. “May I set this down or would you rather eat right here in the hallway?”
“Uh, yeah.” What had she just done? She’d invited Tariq into her bedroom. “Just put it on the table.”
Tariq wore a crisp white shirt, collar open, and light tan pants with a thin dark belt at his trim hips. His hair was combed back and his beard sculpted. He was as devastatingly handsome as ever, possibly even more so.
There she stood in a wet towel and no clothes beneath her robe. Laurel stayed by the door to keep as much space between them as possible. “Yes, thank you for thinking of me.”
“I’ve been doing too much of that lately.”
“Excuse me?” Was he blaming her for something? She hadn’t been the one to take their kiss to a place they shouldn’t have gone.
“For what?” He gave her a sly look as he came toward her.
Laurel had the urge to move out into the hallway but she wasn’t dressed to do so. What if someone saw her? She took two steps back, unsure if it was because she didn’t trust him or herself. These feelings weren’t something she had much experience with.
Moving did her no good. Tariq stopped in front of her. “By the way, you look quite lovely after a morning shower. I hope you slept well.”
“I did.” Laurel couldn’t meet his look. “Thanks for getting me to bed.”
“You are welcome. It was my pleasure.”
She dared to look at him. Had he added under his breath, “and pain”?
“I will be waiting in the car for you in thirty minutes. Nasser will take us to the clinic.”
He left, leaving Laurel with mouth gaping. He was flirting with her. She might be rusty in the relationship department but she did recognize that. But she must not fall for it. She had before, and she couldn’t survive it again.
Laurel left her tea to steep and went to dry her hair. She returned to eat. The fruit added to her order was delicious. Finished with her meal, she returned to dressing. With five minutes to spare she closed her bedroom door. She questioned locking it but that would be ridiculous because who would be interested in her belongings when they could have the...royal jewelry?
She giggled as she went down the hall, concentrating on remembering how she’d come the day before. Proud of herself, she opened the courtyard door to bright sunshine. It was early and already on its way to hot. Mercifully she had chosen a simple lightweight dress. Inside her bag she had stuffed a sweater. Sometimes it could be cool in an air-conditioned building.
The car was waiting just as Tariq had said it would be. Nasser stepped up beside her and opened the back door.
Laurel smile brightly at him. “Good morning and thank you, Nasser.”
He nodded. “Good morning, ma’am.”
She paused a second when she saw Tariq sitting there. He glanced up from the papers in his hand and smiled. “I like a woman who is punctual.”
“Good morning to you too, Your Highness.” She made the words sound syrupy sweet.
He gave her his full attention and lowered his chin. “I do not like that address coming from you.” His voice was tight with reproach. “You make it sound like it is something that tastes bad.”
Laurel smiled. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t meant that way.”
Tariq’s gaze locked on hers. “I wish I could believe that.”
She took her seat beside him, making sure they did not touch. Moments later Nasser was in the driver’s seat and they were leaving the courtyard.
“I am not going to jump you,” Tariq said, low enough for only her to hear. “So relax.”
“No, you are not.”
“You look ready to run for the mountains. I am sorry if I have made it uncomfortable between us. That was not my intent.”
“Just what was your intent? To play with me?”
A troubled look came over his face. “No. I do not play games.”
She studied him a moment. This man didn’t strike her as someone who ever took action without first understanding the motive behind it. He was deliberate about his decisions. So, was he saying he was genuinely attracted to her?
“Again, I apologize. I will honor our agreement. Our marriage is in name only.”
Laurel appreciated the sincerity of his words but couldn’t ignore the disappointment that came with them. The high from being in his arms wouldn’t happen again. It was just as well. Not to mention a relief. Even if he was truly attracted to her, which she seriously doubted, nowhere in her scenario of life did she see herself with Tariq forever.
Their bumpy conversation was effectively ended when Nasser pulled up to the same door of the clinic they had used the afternoon before.