Page 11 of Cuffed For Love
That man is so frustrating. I don’t even know why I’m obsessing over him. He has his own life. Maybe I should bite the bullet and send him a text. I could ask if he wants to come over. I still feel on edge since he left last night. I’d wanted more. I tried to relieve myself, but it wasn't the same. My body now aches for his touch alone. Which is crazy considering I barely know him.
My mind begins to race with all the reasons as to why he hasn’t reached out to me today. What if he got hurt? He is a bounty hunter. Cece and I watched one of those reality shows about a bounty hunter and that job is no joke. It’s scary. He could be on a chase for all I know. Or he could also be over me. I've been driving myself crazy all day thinking about the what ifs. I should walk over there and knock on his door. He might not even be home.
What would I say if he answered? Hey, it’s me. I’ve been obsessing about you for the last 24 hours. That would be a sure way to scare him off. I read some blog posts, and some people wait three days before they make a move. Why three? That seems like an awful long time. I can’t do this for another three days. I want it now. He did this to my body. My brain too! He’s turned me into a crazy person. Fine, I might have already been headed there, but he definitely sped up the process.
I grab my phone, heading for my front door. I wasn’t going to obsess over this for another second. In fact, I think this could be a good post. My followers will get to see that it’s okay for a woman to make the next move. Well, it’s an after move because he already dry humped me, then ordered that I orgasm. He’d actually ordered me to come and my body did. Then he bailed.
All I want to know is if he has changed his mind about us. It’s fine if he did. All he has to do is tell me. I’m a grown-up, I can take it. I don’t need these head games. I can’t live like this. I’m going to do the mature thing. I’m going to knock on his door and ask him if he’s changed his mind. If he says yes, then I’ll just walk away.
Who am I kidding? I’ll be on a dating app before I even walk the short distance back to my house. I’ll have someone come pick me up for a date tomorrow night. That part of the plan isn't really mature. I know Cece will be onboard with it. I’d be running all of this past her right now if she weren’t currently out on a date.
I open my front door to head over to Dane’s. I scream when I feel something fall onto me from above. But the first scream I let out is nothing compared to the ear-piercing one that leaves me when I see spiders. I start to panic. My arachnophobia is no joke. Dane’s door flies open. I try to shake them off. That’s putting it mildly. “Spiders!” I tell him. He grabs me, pulling into his arms. I wrap myself around him. “Spiders.” I repeat. “Are they still on me?”
“No, they’re—”
I burst into tears before he can finish his sentence. He carries me into his apartment. I cling to him, unable to let go. He sits down with me in his lap. I sniff and maybe I rubbed my nose against his shirt so I wasn't all snotty.
“You have a fear of spiders?”
“Fear is putting it lightly,” I admit. It’s irritating, I know that, but still when I see one I get freaked out. I can’t even kill them because I think they’ll jump on me when I’m trying to get to them.
“Fuck, baby, stop crying. You’re killing me.”
I lift my head to look at him. “You didn't call or text me all day.” I sniffle again.
“I had dinner with my brother and then I might have put fake spiders outside your door to prank you.”
I stare at him. I don’t know if I want to choke him or kiss him. He was getting me back for the Saran Wrap. “Doesn't explain why you haven't talked to me all day,” I huff.
“I didn't want to come on too strong. You seem to spook easily.”
“I invited you to take me to my bedroom and then you ghosted me.” I wiggle, trying to get off his lap, but his fingers dig into my hips, not letting me. “Then you spider me.”
He lets go of my hips to cup my face gently. “I’ve been wanting to call you all day. It’s why I went to my brother’s to hang out so that I wouldn’t.”