Page 55 of Queen Takes Rose (Wicked Villains 6)
I stare at the phone and grin. “One.” Then I end the video and send it to the number she programed in there before she left.
I almost keep going, but if I’m going to obey, I’m going to do it my way. It takes a little doing to get the setup right, but when I’m finally happy with it, I lie back down and start up the vibrator again. This time, I do go slower, edging myself up to a truly impressive orgasm. And, yeah, I play it up a bit as I give myself over to the pleasure. I always did like putting on a show.
By the time I let myself come, I’m shaking and moaning, and I’m pretty sure the top of my head is in danger of exploding. I ease the vibrator out of me and reach down for the phone, unable to help my satisfied smirk. “Two.” A few seconds later, the video is winging its way to Malone.
Now that I have the challenge in place, I decide to keep things interesting. She thought she’d use this command to make me vulnerable, but I’m going to turn it around on her.
You want to watch me come, Mistress? Enjoy the fucking show.19MaloneBy the time I get out of my first meeting of the day, I have two videos waiting for me. I’d wondered if Aurora would dig in her heels, but apparently she’s decided to play by the rules for once. I head for my office and shut my door, pausing to flip the lock, and take a seat behind my desk. It would be wiser to hold off watching the videos until I’m almost done for the day, but they’re a temptation I can’t quite ignore.
The first is exactly what I asked for, a close-up of Aurora’s face as she works herself to orgasm. She’s got her eyes screwed shut, but it doesn’t matter. She can’t hide from me, not like this, not this close. The sound she makes when she comes has my whole body flushing hot. I’ve never met another person quite as perfectly blended between sweet and tart, and the tart only makes the sweet more addicting.
Then I open the second video.
“Motherfucker,” I breathe.
She’s brought in the mirror from her closet and arranged it behind her head at the top of the bed. The video is still of her face, but there’s no way to miss the fact I can see her entire body as she arches and shakes and plays with her tits while the vibrator hums between her thighs. It’s a one-woman show, and it’s all for me. This time, she doesn’t shut her eyes. She challenges me with her gaze, with every moan past those pretty lips.
Goddamn it.
My phone beeps as another text comes in.
Aurora: You alone?
Oh, this is a trap if I ever recognized one. That doesn’t stop me from typing out an affirmative and sending it. A few seconds later, a request for a video call comes through.
I glance at my door and accept the call. “I only have a few minutes before my next meeting.”
“This won’t take long.”
I look at my phone, and a rushing sound rattles through my ears. Aurora is in my bathtub, her hair carefully piled on top of her head, her skin dewy with condensation. The water is low enough that her nipples breach the surface with every inhale. She looks good enough to eat. It takes more effort than it should to keep my tone dry. “If you drop that phone in the water and ruin it, you’ll have no proof of the remaining orgasms.”
“Give me a little credit.” Something’s changed since I left her this morning. I’m not sure what it is, but she’s giving me a wicked grin that almost seems real. Aurora leans back a little, baring her breasts further. “Are you alone?”
“Does it matter?” I’m honestly curious. Aurora likes an audience, but I don’t know if that extends outside the Underworld.
“Not to me.” Another of those smiles. “But if no one is in the room, no one will see it if you give in to the temptation to slip your hand in your pants and finger yourself while you watch me come.”
Aurora is more dangerous than a grenade with the pin pulled out. “That would be highly inappropriate during the workday.”
“I know.” She laughs, and the sound trails off into a breathy moan. “Gods, Malone, this toy is something else. I’m surprised you didn’t invest in it the moment you heard about its existence.”
“What makes you think I didn’t?” As much as I keep a stranglehold on the underbelly of my territory, I like to keep my interests varied everywhere else. Investing in that particular toy has brought me a significant amount of profit. Most of my investments do.