Page 24 of Queen Takes Rose (Wicked Villains 6)
I want Malone to shatter. I want to be the one to cause it.
She tastes exactly like I remember, a truth that should have been blurred by time and many partners, but it’s there all the same. Every moment of that night is seared into my memory. I’m not the same person I was then, but it doesn’t change the way one lick takes me back.
That night I was sure she saw into the very heart of me. Saw all my scars and trauma. Saw my desires. Saw everything. She pulled it out piece by piece, breaking me down until I was an exposed nerve for her to strum at her leisure.
I could have survived that. Other Dominants have brought me close to that point over the years, though no one quite so skillfully. No, it was how she held me afterward that fucked with my head. It’s the only time in nearly ten years of knowing her that she wasn’t icy and distant. She felt warm and soft and all too human.
She felt like mine.
I shove the memory away and focus on the task at hand. Malone says something about annual review reports, and her voice isn’t even breathy. She could be sitting at a desk in the middle of a crowded office, rather than in her bedroom with my mouth on her pussy. I look up at her and push two fingers into her. She doesn’t bother to so much as glance at me. She simply reaches down, grabs a fistful of my hair, and guides me back to her clit.
What a magnificent bitch.
As irritating as I find her control, it feels like she threw a gauntlet at my feet that I’m only too happy to pick up. I toy with her clit as I carefully explore her with my fingers, looking for her G-spot. It doesn’t take long to find it, and her legs go tense as I stroke my fingertips against it.
Got you. I keep up that motion as I focus on her clit. There may be time for teasing and playing later, but I’m on a mission right now. I want her to come and crack that perfect iciness she presents to the world. I want her hot and fiery and on the edge of control. I want to be the one to cause it.
Her fingers tense in my hair, so I keep doing that motion with my tongue, teasing her higher and higher. I look up her body to find her cheeks have gone pink and her lips are parted. She’s not making a single sound, but the evidence of how close she is to orgasm is written in her expression, in her legs tensing on either side of my face, on her harsh grip in my hair.
She moves the phone away from her face and hits the mute button. “Stop playing around and make me come.”
It’s so tempting to reach between my thighs with my free hand, but I already know she won’t grant permission. She might even stop me from making her come, which is something I desperately want to avoid. I suck her clit into my mouth and work her with my tongue, and she moans a little and orgasms hard, clamping around my fingers.
Malone’s grip in my hair softens, and she trails her fingers down my temple. Her expression isn’t exactly warm, but it’s not as distant as normal. “Don’t stop. This call will go on a while yet.”
I lick my lips, tasting her there. “Yes, Mistress.”9MaloneWhat am I going to do about Aurora?
Half my instincts want to continue to put her in her place, to prove that she doesn’t have the same pull on me that she seems to on every other Dominant she comes across. The rest of me wants to stop fucking around and take what’s mine for the next two weeks.
The rest of the call is as uneventful as I expect it to be. Marshall has things well in hand, he just needs a little confidence to fully step into his new position while working with a team he’s unfamiliar with. He’s got all the necessary skills and experience, but he’s still a bit green. He’ll figure it out.
I hang up and set my phone aside. That was the last obligation of the day. I purposefully lightened my schedule during this time because I didn’t want to be distracted—not from work, not from play. There are still things that can’t be shifted around, so that’s what I’ll spend my mornings doing. Aurora is a nocturnal creature like all the other Underworld residents, so it works well.
I dig my hand into her hair again, enjoying the way the indigo tresses feel against my palm, and pull her off me. “That’s enough.”
“But—” She catches herself quickly, losing some of the bliss that’s filtered into her expression over the last twenty minutes. If I let her, she’ll retreat from me again. It’s the smart thing to do, to allow that distance, but I find myself reluctant to let it happen. “Come here.” I guide her up even as I lean down.