Page 73 of The Sea Witch (Wicked Villains 5)
She’s one of the few power players in Carver City that I haven’t played with—her tastes run more to the feminine persuasion—but I’ve seen the way Underworld submissives go all starry eyed after they’ve participated in one of her scenes. Her reputation is more than earned.
Malone casts a slow look over us before finally settling on Ursa. “Smitten.”
“Sometimes I do take the advice of my friends.” Ursa shrugs. “Have a drink with me.”
Malone curves dark red lips. “You have two pretty submissives practically panting after you right now, and you want to have a drink with me?”
“It’s good for them to learn patience.” Ursa cuts a look in my direction. “Alaric, take Zurielle and go find out where our drinks went. Bring a gin and tonic for Malone.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
It’s awkward to slide out of the booth with Zuri in my lap, but she’s still a little loopy from the orgasm. I carefully edge past Malone where she stands by the table and set Zuri on her feet, keeping my hands on her hips in case she sways. I should know better by now. She’s steady enough, but she gives me a small smile like she appreciates the thought. Or maybe I’m just projecting, hoping that this might really work.
I want her to stay.
I want her to forgive me, even though I sure as fuck don’t deserve it. Especially because, deep down in my soul, I know I wouldn’t do a single thing different. Not when my actions brought Zuri into my life—into our life.
I take her hand and head slowly toward the bar. The surreal feeling from before is back. How many times did I spend the first part of the night in this lounge, carting drinks to and from tables? More than I can count. I played bartender for the first year after I sealed my bargain with Hades, while I was still in training to learn to play both submissive and Dominant. Though I didn’t do nearly the former nearly as much as I did the latter. Not that I minded. I didn’t hate my time here.
I just hated not being my own person.
“This place feels so larger than life.”
Looking around, I try to see it like Zuri does. The entire Underworld drips in understated elegance, trending toward cool neutrals and expensive fabrics. The lounge is no different. Each of the circular booths tucked against the walls were handmade and have the leather seats changed out with different subtle patterns whenever Meg gets an itch. Or I guess Hercules, since he’s the one who took over that part of running the club.
The bar is a masterpiece. It surrounds a large sculpture that manages to depict an orgy without crossing over into vulgar, and the lighting was installed intentionally to spotlight it. The bar is always lit, no matter what time of night, and the drinks are all top shelf. Even the wood floor beneath our feet shines as if dirt wouldn’t dare touch it.
Yeah, larger than life about sums it right up.
We stop next to the bar, and I sling my arm around her waist simply because I can. The large Dominican woman behind the bar smiles at me. “Back so soon, Alaric? I knew you’d miss us.”
“Only you, Tis.” I give her my charming grin right back. “This is Zuri.”
“We met briefly.” Tis gives her an equally warm smile. She might be a badass with the patrons, but she’s always had plenty of warmth for those of us who work at the Underworld. Or, at least, those who used to. I resent the pang in my chest at the thought. I fought so hard to get free. Why the hell does part of me miss this place?
Zuri holds out her hand, a proper princess. “It’s nice to see you again.”
Tis shoots a look at me as she takes Zuri’s hand. “Is she always this polite?”
“No.” I chuckle. “She’s on her best behavior right now because she’s overwhelmed.”
“Alaric.” Zuri glares at me. “Stop it.”
I give her a reprieve and change the subject. “We came to collect our drinks and add a gin and tonic for Malone.”
“Ah.” Tis moves a few feet down the bar and nudges a round tray with three drinks on it over to me. “Give me a second for the fourth.”
The glasses have condensation beading the outside of them. “Did something happen to Aurora?”
“She was called away.” Her careful reply tells me everything I need to know. Aurora saw Malone and decided to find somewhere else to be. I’ve seen the disappearing act enough times, but I’ve never been able to get to the bottom of it. Aurora might submit prettily and cry easily, but she’s a vault when it comes to things she doesn’t want to talk about. Malone lands firmly in that category.
“I’ll run the drinks back to our table when Ursa is ready for us.”