Page 32 of The Sea Witch (Wicked Villains 5)
Alaric’s frowning down at me, but it’s Ursa who says, “And they call me a monster.” She glances at him. “Slowly. When she hurts, it will be on purpose, not because we’re careless.”
I’m still trying to decode that statement when Alaric wedges a single finger into me. The intrusion has me lifting off the bed and writhing, though I can’t begin to say if it’s because I’m trying to get away or trying to get closer.
Instantly, Ursa catches my throat. “Relax.” Her melodic voice courses through me as Alaric presses his finger a little deeper.
“She’s so fucking tight,” he mutters. He sounds almost in pain.
Ursa chuckles. “Don’t pretend you aren’t about to come just from knowing that you’re the first person to finger her pretty pussy.”
The pressure of his finger eases a little as he slowly strokes me, the tension turning liquid and scalding. “Oh.”
“Does that feel good, darling?” She has a smile in her voice, like she already knows the answer.
“Yes, Mistress.” Every time I swallow, my throat presses against her palm. Her touch anchors me, even as Alaric’s threatens to send me to the moon.
For a moment, I think she’s talking to me, but then Alaric presses a second finger into me. I hiss out a breath. It doesn’t exactly hurt, but I have never been so aware of my body the way I am right now. He still has the towel wrapped around his waist, but I can clearly see the imprint of his dick. It’s much larger than two fingers.
Even as I tell myself not to, I look up at Alaric. There’s no pretending this is some stranger who means nothing to me, no pretending that this doesn’t hurt me in a way that has nothing to do with the physical.
He’s never looked at me the way he is now. Always before, he was sweet and restrained, and if there was heat in his deep blue eyes, it was carefully banked. I didn’t realize how safe he was until this moment, when he’s kneeling between my thighs, staring at the spot where his fingers enter me as if tormented. As if he’s barely restraining himself.
As if the only thing holding him back from ravishing me is the woman lying next to me and idly stroking my throat.
Ursa watches Alaric fuck me with his fingers. “Really, lover? You can do better than that.”
He makes a sound suspiciously like a growl and twists his wrist. Suddenly, he’s not just fucking me with his fingers. He’s stretching me. Exploring me. He finds and strokes a spot inside me that has my bones melting. I gasp. “Oh, gods.”
“I’ll allow that one since he just discovered your G-spot.” Ursa lifts her free hand and presses her fingers into Alaric’s mouth. He watches me as he sucks them deep, wets them, and then she drops her hand to stroke my clit. What he was doing felt amazing before. Now it feels like I might just come right out of my body. Both their hands on me…
I orgasm harder than I have previously tonight. The wave racks my body, bowing my back, pressing my neck hard enough into Ursa’s palm that I lose my breath. Or I would if I could remember how to breathe. I think I’m sobbing. I think I might be dying.
Alaric withdraws his fingers, but Ursa keeps up light teasing strokes to my pussy as he gets rid of the towel and fists his cock. He starts to lean forward but hesitates. “Are you on birth control?”
I takes me too long to answer, to remember how to speak. “No.”
He curses long and hard even as Ursa laughs. “Condoms are in the nightstand.”
He moves away for a few moments and then it’s just Ursa and me. She gives my neck another of those faint squeezes that settles me and drives my desire higher at the same time, but her expression is contemplative. “I knew he was positively rabid to keep his daughters under lock and key, but I had no idea it went so far.”
I don’t really want to talk about my father while I’m here in this position, but I can’t deny the unspoken command in her statement that isn’t quite a question. “He’s overprotective.”
“Controlling,” she corrects gently. “One could almost argue abusive. You’re an adult, Zurielle. The only person in charge of your body should be you.” She smiles slowly. “And me for the next week.”
I frown. “Ursa—” I clamp my mouth shut. I forgot about her command to be silent.
Alaric climbs back onto the bed with a silver packet in his hand. I watch him rip it open and roll the condom down his length. I can’t tell if I’m shaking from Ursa stroking me or from a sick combination of fear and anticipation. “I should hate you. Both of you.” I don’t mean to speak, but once I do, it’s impossible to stop. “I think I do.”