Page 14 of The Sea Witch (Wicked Villains 5)
I have been cosseted and protected and smothered my entire life, living by rules that aren’t my making. My sisters would expire on the spot if they knew I was going to have sex for money. The thought sends a delicious thrill through me. Dangerous to give in to that impulse. Following the tug in my stomach only leads to disappointing my father and hurting those I love.
I don’t care.
“Where will the stage be?”
Hercules’s jaw tightens, but he leads me to the center of the room. “We’ll move the furniture around to accommodate it so everyone can get a good view.”
A good view of me.
I turn slowly in place, my bare feet on the cool floor, and try to picture it. “Lights?” He points up. There are lines on the ceiling that seem to indicate part of it can shift open. “Clever.”
“Only the best in the Underworld.” He gives a grim smile. “Someone will act as auctioneer, and another will assist them and help you display yourself to the best advantage. Do you have a preference on whether it’s a man or woman?”
I frown. “No. Why would that matter?”
“Because they’re going to touch you, Zuri.” He says it almost gently. “You’ll stand there naked, and they’ll expose you and touch you and do what it takes to rile up the crowd to get the price going.”
The blood rushes from my head, and I weave on my feet a little. “Oh.”
Hercules shakes his head. “That’s it. I’m calling this off. This is a fucking mistake.”
“It’s fine,” I manage. “Even with the touching, I don’t have a preference on men or women. I like both.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that you’re clutching your robe to your chest like it’s a shield and I’m the only one standing here. What are you going to do when the room is filled?”
“I can do this.”
“No, you can’t.”
“Yes, I can!” I don’t know what possesses me to drop my robe. I don’t know what I’m trying to prove. I just react, letting the silky fabric slide from my shoulders and pool at my feet. “I’m not shy, and I have to do this.”
“That’s not a good enough reason.” Hercules glances at my body as if he can’t help himself and then jerks his gaze back to my face. “Your first time should be—”
“Don’t you dare spout that virginity nonsense at me, Hercules. It’s just sex, and people have sex for a lot crappier reasons than money, so you really don’t get to take that high-and-mighty tone with me. I’m choosing this, which is more than some people are able to do. It’s only as important as I let it be.”
I don’t realize we’re not alone until Hercules looks over my shoulder and his eyebrows rise. “Hello, Alaric.”
Oh gods.
I knew I’d have to face him eventually, but this is the worst case scenario—with the possible exception of seeing him tonight during the auction. Pride and frustration have gotten me this far. If I scramble to pick up my robe, I’ll just be proving Hercules right that I’m not ready to do this. So I brace myself, lift my chin, and turn to face the man I’m doing this for.
It’s been months since I’ve seen him. Somehow he looks better than ever. He’s wearing slacks and a gray button-down shirt, and his black hair is a little longer than when I saw him last. But those blue eyes are the same, hot and hungry and ready to devour me whole.
Alaric stalks across the room, and I’m helpless to do anything but watch him approach. He snatches up my robe and yanks it around me. “What are you doing here, Zuri?”
“Exactly what it looks like.” For the first time since I arrived here, Hercules sounds downright amused. “Zuri is going to auction herself off tomorrow night.”
Alaric flinches, but he drops his eyes before I can read the emotion in them. He glances at Hercules. “Can we have a minute?”
“No, I don’t think you can.” Hercules gives Alaric’s hands, still fisted in the front of my robe, a significant look. “If you want to talk, I’m going to walk over there and wait.” His expression goes hard. “But you manhandle her again, and we’re going to have a long fucking talk.”
Alaric slowly releases my robe. I have to grab the slick fabric to keep it from falling off my shoulders again. We both watch Hercules walk to the next group of couches over and sit down. It’s not quite far enough to be out of hearing range, but he’s affording us the illusion of privacy, which is better than I expected. I waste no time righting the robe and getting my arms into the appropriate places. “Hello, Alaric.”
“Hello, Alaric? That’s all you have to say to me right now?”
No, I have a whole lot more than that, but as sheltered as I’ve been, I don’t think declaring my love and then promptly selling my virginity to someone else is the best route forward. I tighten the belt at my waist. “I’m going to help you. I said I would, and now I’m here.”