Page 63 of Dare To Love Again
“Yes, I do. I have to tell her that she’s not allowed to come near you or my son ever again.” Among other things that you don’t need to know about.
“Be careful, she’s very dangerous; I think she…” She bit her lip and looked away, but she was still clutching my arm.
I kissed her hair once again and stood up straight. “It’s going to be okay; I won’t be long.” I’m sure she was about to tell me she thinks her mother had killed her father, so there goes any doubt I might’ve had about her knowing about that. No time to get into it now; I had to get there and back, so she didn’t stress.
I was smiling by the time I sat in the back of the car. Smiling, because by the end of this meet, I’d have vanquished all her fears. I let all that I’d learned from both Gordon and Silas play through my head, putting my attack in order. I realized as Jeremy drove through the streets to her place a couple of towns over that I was partly to blame for her lack of trust in me.
You see, I’d made it a point never to show my wife the darker side of me. She’s never seen me go after someone, whether it be a business situation or something more personal. There was never any reason for her to know the more ruthless side of me, so I guess I can see why she’d be afraid that her bitch of a birthing vessel could take me. Hah.
“Everything okay, sir?” Jeremy’s question intruded on my thoughts.
“Yes, why?”
“Nothing; I thought we were going to the Missus’s apartment?”
“We are.”
“Okay, what?”
“Nothing, it’s just…you look like you do when you’re about to knock some sense into someone. Is there something I should know about?” He watched me in the rearview mirror. I hadn’t been exactly honest with him about the reason for this little trip. He was under the impression that I was going to pick up some stuff for Giselle and the baby, even though he’d asked me how come I didn’t just buy what they needed, which is what I would’ve done if that shit was true.
Damn, this is what comes from your people knowing you too well. I wasn’t sure about what I was going to learn today, which was my reason for keeping him in the dark about my true purpose for going there. It’s my way of protecting my woman from whatever this evil hag is going to reveal. Plus, if I have to get messy, the fewer eyes and ears around, the better.
Speaking of which! I put the code Silas had given me into the phone, and the inside of Giselle’s apartment came into view on the screen. The place was empty though a look at my watch showed that it was a little after nine-thirty, which is the time we were supposed to meet.
I called ahead to the men I had sitting on the apartment to see if she’d shown up in the vicinity yet, or if she was purposely running late. I figured if Dana had called her that she’d want to get to the bottom of things as soon as possible, and making her wait could only work in my favor. She’s already going to be in for a surprise when I show up instead of my wife.
“She just arrived and is about to make entrance, sir.”
“Good, is she alone?” I was still thinking about the Salvo family and the shit they get up to. If she’d used them to strong-arm Giselle, she hadn’t said, but I can’t think of any other reason for the fear my wife holds for the woman.
I hung up the phone and told Jeremy to take the long way once I received affirmation that she was indeed alone. I went back to the screen and watched as she walked into the apartment. She was a beautiful woman in her early fifties with a perfect salon cut and highlights in her dishwater blonde hair.
It was hard to see the color of her eyes behind the shades she wore until she took them off as if hearing my thoughts from afar. Brown! I wasn’t surprised that my wife looked nothing like her. I’d seen a picture of her dad, and she was the female version of him down to the dimple in her chin.
The woman on the screen was attractive enough, but she was no match for the daughter she’d birthed. I sincerely hope that that has no part in her jealousy for her own kid. That’s just some sick shit, but I’m aware there could be a host of other reasons behind her hate. Like the fact that she seemed hard, jaded, while Giselle is a soft feminine angel who makes me want to tear down and destroy any and all who bring her pain. Like this one.