Page 82 of Perfect Chaos
She huffs and stands from the desk, picking up her bag. “I don’t think so.” Her legs quickly take her away from my threatening stance. “I have to use my lunch hour to go home and change, since you threw a coffee down my front,” she hisses accusingly, disappearing through the door.
I’m in hot pursuit of her, despite the fact that I’m following her through the main floor where plenty of employees are floating around. Damn it. I catch her up and fall into stride beside her, smiling casually to the people we pass in the corridor and checking over my shoulder to make sure they’re out of earshot before I speak. But then when my opportunity to say something without the risk of being heard is there, I stop and wonder what I should say. My unreasonable demand didn’t go down all too well. Shit, this is weird. I’ve never had to convince a woman that she should go out with me. They’ve always fallen at my feet. They’ve always been the chasers. I don’t like this at all. It’s fucking exhausting, and I’m suddenly very respectful of the women who have found the energy over the years to pursue me. Lainey doesn’t like being told what to do. Okay. Maybe a little diplomacy is the way forward. But tact is hard when you’re as desperate as I am.
I see the elevators up ahead as Lainey marches on, me flanking her. I’m running out of time. A quick scope of the area confirms we’re alone, so I take her arm and stop her. “Lainey, wait.”
She shrugs me off and keeps walking. “I have nothing to say to you.”
That’s a shame, because I have plenty I want to say to her. I pick up my feet and jog after her. “Lainey . . .” My intended words fade when Callie rounds the corner up ahead, her eyes on her phone. She may as well be taking fairy steps she’s walking so slow. The lift will be here, Lainey in it, and gone before Callie makes it past us and it’s safe to talk again.
Lainey reaches forward and calls the elevator, and I throw Callie a dirty look, willing her to hurry the fuck up. The doors open, and it takes everything in me not to physically stop Lainey from walking in.
Callie looks up from her phone as she wanders past. “Hey, Ty.”
“Hey,” I reply quickly and shove my face in my own phone in a ploy to halt any intended conversation. I watch out the corner of my eye as she goes back to her mobile, and I breathe out, relieved . . . but then spot the doors sliding closed, shutting Lainey inside. Without me. My arm shoots out and stops them, and I do the stupidest thing ever. I get in the enclosed space with Lainey and let the doors close. We’re alone. But I have to control myself.
I turn into her, hating the few steps away from me she takes. “I’m sorry.” I begin my speech, hoping she can see my sincerity. Which is hard when she’s not looking at me. I don’t bank on her hearing my remorse, so I take her face gently and wait for her to turn her eyes to me. I’ve been such a dick. After everything she’s said to me, I need to tread carefully. She’s told me she’ll never give herself to a man again. I’m surmising, but there must be a damn good reason, and here’s me throwing my weight and orders around.
Her blue eyes glaze over and her lovely jaw tightens. I sigh. “Guess I took for granted that you would be available.”
“Available when you demand it?”
“I didn’t mean to demand anything.” I look away, ashamed. “It’s just, well . . .” I can’t believe I’m saying this. “I like hanging out with you.” What am I, like, fifteen? For fuck’s sake. “Last night was fun, and I don’t just mean because you blew me into unconsciousness.”
A small smile shows hints of revealing itself on her stunning face, spurring me on.
“Although it really was the best blowjob I’ve ever had. You should be proud.”
The tiniest of chuckles breaks, and she looks away, as if trying to hide her amusement. It’s a loss I’m not prepared to accept, so I gently wiggle her jaw, a silent instruction to look at me. Her eyes turn, and I smile, moving in. This time, she doesn’t attempt to escape me.
“I can tell you’re happy about my confession,” I say, seeing it plain as day all over her face.
“That I sucked your dick better than anyone else?” Her eyebrows raise a little.
“Don’t ruin it and tell me you’ve had lots of practice.”
She laughs now, loudly, moving into my chest and tilting her head back to see me. Everything inside of me melts. “I wasn’t taking satisfaction in your confession. I was silently concluding that I like spending time with you, too.”