Page 79 of Perfect Chaos
“That’s nice, darling.”
I hum, thinking about how well it went. There wasn’t much talking per se, but plenty of communication. I actually like spending time with Lainey. A lot.
“Oh, Tyler, I love her.” Mum loses her restraint and blurts her confession. “So pretty and smart.”
I smile. “How would you know if she’s smart? You met her for five minutes.”
“She must be. You wouldn’t cook for just any woman, would you?”
“I didn’t cook.”
“Trivial issue. The intension and effort was still there. Tell me you’re seeing her again.”
I look at my office door. Oh yes, I’m seeing her again. “Mum, it’s a little complicated,” I start to explain, thinking the last thing I need is her talking to Gina or Sal and dropping me in it. “With Lainey, I mean.”
“How so?” she asks, sounding disappointed. “You like her, she likes you. Things are only complicated if you make them complicated.”
“She’s Sal’s new PA.”
“Oohhh,” Mum breathes, and I laugh to myself, because now she gets it. “Oh dear, Tyler. She’s your employee?”
“Oh, darling. That’s dangerous ground. You hear it all the time, claims of sexual harassment.”
I frown. I’m lacking so much knowledge on the woman who has bewitched me, but I do know for certain that handing me my balls on a platter is definitely not on her agenda. She was the one who said we should forget about that first encounter. “I know what I’m doing, Mum. But it’s a cardinal rule. Sal will go mad. So, you see, it’s really important that you don’t mention this to a soul. Just until I can figure out exactly what’s happening here.”
“My lips are sealed.”
“How tight?” I ask, fully aware of my mum’s loose lips, especially when she’s had a glass or two or when she’s excited.
“Sorry, what are we talking about?”
I smile. “Thanks, Mum.”
“For what?”
“Okay, I get it.”
“Get what?”
I sigh and rest my forehead in my hands. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“You will, darling. Bye.” She hangs up, and I crack on with my day. Or I try to. My mind is never far from Lainey, but instead of giving too much thought to the circumstances of our affair and how fucking complicated it is, I daydream about our night together.As I enter the conference room with Gina in tow, I note the team has arrived already and we’re the last. Everyone, including Lainey, who’s sitting next to Sal nibbling thoughtfully on the end of her pen. Her eyes dart to the door, catching mine, before she quickly looks away, going to her iPad and tapping at the screen. As I take my seat, I wonder whether she was daydreaming just now about last night too, struggling to focus like I have all morning.
“Right,” Sal says as he stands, indicating across the table to me. “First things first, Tyler and I just wanted to clear the air with you all about our little disagreement yesterday.” He reaches up to his swollen nose and frowns lightly. “A minor misunderstanding that got slightly out of hand.” I look at Lainey discreetly, finding her stare rooted on her iPad still. “But,” Sal goes on, “we’ve kissed and made up and there’s nothing for you guys to be concerned about.” He walks around the table, eyes on me, and approaches behind my chair, resting his hands on my shoulders, rubbing. Lainey looks up through her lashes, meeting my eyes again. This time, she studies me for a moment, her face impassive as my partner massages me. “So, back to business. Lainey, first on the agenda?”
I vaguely hear Sal speak to Lainey, but too caught up in her stare, I fail to give her the prompt she needs. I feel like she’s slowly mentally undressing me across the table, and my body stiffens as a result, my mind wishing all these people away so I can let her at me.
“Lainey,” Sal barks shortly.
I jump under Sal’s hold, as does Lainey in her chair, looking up at Sal in question. “Yes?”
“The agenda?” Sal repeats, and I look up to see total displeasure hijacking his face. “Pay attention, will you?”
I bristle, holding myself back from slogging him to the nose again. His mood is getting worse, his patience thinner. And I seriously do not like him talking to Lainey like that.
“Oh, yes.” Lainey’s eyes plummet to her iPad, and Sal releases my shoulders, much to my relief. I feel like he’s reading my mind through my strung muscles. “First up, the Volvo ad airs tonight. Nine p.m. on ITV.”
“Set your reminders and tune in,” Sal orders, and everyone around the table dives on their phones to do exactly that. “Next?”
“Adidas,” Lainey prompts.
Sal’s face immediately distorts, and he grunts. “Taylorson Greeves got the contract.”
Collective groans sound out. “It’s one acquisition out of a dozen we were playing for,” I pipe up, not willing to let the morale dip. “Let’s not be dramatic, people. There’s plenty for us to sink our teeth into.” I don’t mean to, but I look at Lainey, my statement spiking thoughts that aren’t appropriate for the conference room, where I’m supposed to be on the ball. The boss. My head in the game, leading my staff. The only thing I want to lead right now is Lainey. To my office.