Page 35 of My Best Friend's Dad (Forbidden Fantasies 8)
I muse on all these things as I finish tying my tie, and regard myself critically in the mirror. I was looking rough for a while there; I certainly wasn’t at my best when Kara was gone. When she came back though, and revealed that we were going to have a baby, I knew it was up to me to take care of myself for my soon-to-be wife and child. Now, I’m back to my old self. I actually got a haircut, and am hitting the gym every day once more. My tan is back, and overall, I look pretty damn good.
All that matters, anyway, is that Kara thinks I look good as she walks down the aisle to me.
I get lost, for a moment, in imagining what she will look like coming down the walkway. It’s going to be a double wedding because Christopher, Bailey, Kara, and I have decided to get married in a double ceremony. It’s a little strange because I’m Bailey’s father, but it feels right. There were just too many coincidences: Bailey is my daughter, and Kara is her best friend. Not only that, but Chris is my best friend too. Our love is so strong, and a double ceremony is the perfect finish for all of us.
Plus, I can’t wait to see my bride on this special day. Bailey and Kara decided to go dress shopping together, and miraculously, they found their gowns on the same day. I haven’t been allowed to see either. What does Kara’s look like? Will her gorgeous golden hair be up or down? What kind of makeup will she have on to accentuate her flawless features? Will she smile at me? Will she cry?
“Can’t keep your eyes off yourself, huh?”
Chris elbows me in the ribs as he appears in the mirror next to me, grinning. I definitely never thought I’d be getting married in the same ceremony as my best friend, but again, it makes sense: we’re two sets of best friends, all celebrating love and happiness together. The ceremony is taking place at Christopher’s and Bailey’s house, and their backyard garden is resplendent, blossoming with a myriad of colorful blooms. We’re keeping the ceremony pretty small, and about forty white chairs dot the yard on either side of the aisle. It should be a perfect summer day, just a few weeks before Bailey and Kara return to school for their senior years of college.
“Yeah, well, when you’re this good-looking, you can’t resist,” I inform him. He snorts good-naturedly. “Nah,” I continue, “I was just thinking about Kara.”
“Ugh, you’re such a sap,” Christopher says in mock disgust, before flashing another grin at me. “But I’ve been thinking about Bailey this whole time, too.”
“She’s pretty special,” I agree.
“So is Kara,” Christopher says. “Damn, we got lucky, didn’t we? Who would’ve thought?”
Not me, I think as we head outside into the late afternoon sun. Never me.
Our guests, assorted friends and family, greet me warmly. Even Kara’s parents in the front row, Buzz and Amanda, give me a warm wave, Amanda bouncing baby Rose in her lap.
“Thanks again for looking after her,” I whisper to my in-laws below my breath. I blow a kiss at my sweet baby girl, who coos and giggles in response.
“It’s our pleasure,” Amanda says graciously. “Gosh, I can’t wait to see Kara come down that aisle.”
I grin at her. “Me, neither.”
Buzz and Amanda were less than thrilled when Kara and I initially announced our relationship to them. We met at a restaurant, and at first, Buzz and Amanda were confused as to why I was even there. They know me, of course, seeing that our daughters are best friends, but couldn’t compute that I was the new boyfriend they were there to meet. When the news finally sank in, Buzz immediately stood up, his chair nearly toppling over. I worried he was going to have an aneurysm.
“What kind of a dirty old man are you?” Buzz raged, gnashing his teeth. “I am going to have you put in jail! Just because your daughter is dating some old pervert doesn’t mean that my daughter has to too!”
“Is this some kind of joke?” Amanda whispered, her eyes horrified.
Thank God, Kara and I were able to talk them down, and I chose to be the better man and ignore her dad’s insult. It’s not like I can blame him, anyways. I remember having a similar response when Christopher and Bailey first told me about their relationship. Funny how life comes full circle sometimes.
“Say hi to Grandpa!” a low voice says from behind us.
I turn around to see Christopher holding his son, Norman, who is looking dapper in a tiny suit that matches his father’s. I laugh at the sight and plant a kiss on the top of my grandson’s head. I certainly never expected to become a father and grandfather at the same time, but Bailey gave birth to Norman just a few months before Kara had Rose. Really, life is an embarrassment of riches. Who am I to complain when I have so much love surrounding me?