Page 17 of My Best Friend's Dad (Forbidden Fantasies 8)
“Kara, I have to talk to this guy,” I growl, already on my feet, clenching and unclenching my fists. “He’s obviously a stupid fucktard who still hasn’t learned. Look at him harassing this poor girl!”
“Babe, don’t,” Kara says, placing a hand on my back. “He’s not worth your energy, or mine.”
I turn to her and lean on the table. “I should have hunted him down the day you came into the hospital,” I say. “But now, I can’t let him do to someone else what he did to you. Please, sweetheart. This guy is just such a fucking douchebag, and I have to do something.”
She opens her mouth to protest again, then closes it, and nods. With her blessing, I make my way through the crowd towards the beauty and the beast.
As I walk up to them, I hear the guy--Carter, Kara said his name is-- say, “Come on, baby. Come outside with me. I’ll show you a good time, I promise.” The blonde doesn’t answer. Her lips are pressed tightly together as her eyes cast about anxiously, trying to find somewhere to rest.
“Doesn’t look like she’s very interested,” I remark casually.
Carter’s gaze snaps to me. I watch him size me up. He’s tall, but he’s a boy, whereas I’m a full-grown man. I’m taller, broader, more muscular, and older. He swallows hard, but a petulant fury burns in his eyes, like I’m a parent who just took his favorite toy away.
“Did I fucking ask you?”
“Nah, but anyone with eyes can see that she’s dying to get away from you.” I turn my attention to the blonde. “Do you have friends here?”
She shakes her head gratefully.
“My girlfriend is sitting just over there, and she’d be happy to keep you company, if you’d like,” I say, my voice gentle and unthreatening. “Totally up to you.”
“Okay,” the woman says. “That sounds good.” She teeters on high heels towards Kara, who immediately waves her over like they’re old friends.
“What the fuck?” Carter snaps as soon as the blonde is out of earshot. I see immediately that he’s adopted a power stance, trying to make himself look larger. I am not fooled. “What’s your problem, man?”
“No problem, man,” I say in response, unable to resist a smirk. “Not unless you make one.”
“What, you jealous and want her for yourself?” Carter says. “You one of those horny old guys who’s looking for a threesome with your girlfriend?”
I guffaw rudely.
“Not quite. Just trying to keep an asshole from hurting any more women,” I correct him.
His face twists in rage. “I’ve never hurt a woman! You don’t fucking know me!”
He raises his arms, no doubt to push me, but I’m fast, and seize him by the collar. He freezes, eyes wide.
“Please don’t,” he whispers, the blood draining from his face. I give him a good shake. As I expected, the boy is still lanky and growing into his frame, so he’s light.
“I know your name is Carter, and I know what you did to Kara James,” I growl, my face inches from his. “At that frat party, a few months ago. Remember? The pretty blonde you sent to the emergency room because she didn’t want to go home with you?”
“I don’t know any Karas,” he sputters, but I twist his shirt fabric in my hand, shutting him up.
“You did, and you do. And I can tell you have a bad habit of getting rough with women who don’t want you. I’m here to warn you that I am around this area quite a bit, and if I ever, ever see or hear you doing this shit again, I will put you in the hospital myself.”
“Are you threatening me?” Carter squeals, his face pale.
“You bet your ass I am, Carter-boy. I am glad you recognize that. Now get the fuck out of here before someone calls the cops on you.”
I release him, and spread my arms wide, wordlessly letting him know that the choice is his. Carter breathes heavily, his face rapidly turning red, before he spits at me, turns on his heel, and scurries out. His color is high and his chin up, but I see how his lip trembles even as he leaves.
When I return to our table, Kara is handing the blonde woman an ice water and encouraging her to drink it. “I’m calling her an Uber,” Kara tells me, pulling up the app on her phone.
“Thank you both so much,” the woman says, looking from Kara to me, her words only slightly slurred. “That creep just gave me bad vibes. He was so pushy even after I said no. Some guys really don’t get it.”
“Yeah, ‘pushy’ is exactly the right word,” Kara mutters.
We help the woman outside a few minutes later, and make sure she’s safely in her car before waving as the vehicle pulls away. Kara wraps her arms around me, resting her cheek against my chest.