Page 28 of Summer Fling - A Sexy Summer Anthology
“Honey, I’m home,” he announced, diving straight into bed. I clung onto him, pressing a closemouthed kiss to his lips. Love was blind, but presumably, it could still smell.
“Missed your face.”
“Missed every part of you, especially this one,” he countered, squeezing my butt and pressing his hard body against mine.
“I’ve a feeling I’m going to be very jealous of all the female attention you’re getting at this job of yours.”
He grinned playfully. “It’s just a job. A tiring one at that.”
I opened my mouth to say something more when there was a knock on the door. We both frowned at each other.
“Are you expecting anyone?”
Adam rolled his eyes. “Like I’d want to spend time with non-Nika humans after working twenty-hour days.”
He unglued himself from me, strolling to the living room to get the door. I followed him. Adam swung the door open, and my heart missed a beat.
“Is Nika here?”
Chris was standing on the other side of the door, his sandy hair and Southern boy charm dimmed by what looked like a sleepless few nights. His eyes bloodshot and his skin clinging to bones. I couldn’t imagine how exhausted he felt.
“Depends on who is asking.” Adam crossed his arms over his chest.
“Her boyfriend.” Chris bared his teeth, mimicking the same gesture. Boy, he wasn’t only exhausted, he was also delusional.
“Why, impossible.” Adam smiled charmingly. “Because you’re talking to her boyfriend.”
Sensing some major Brandy and Monica vibes, à la “The Boy is Mine”, coming our way, I stepped up next to Adam.
“Chris. How did you find me?”
“Val gave me the address.” Chris flashed me an apologetic smile, immediately letting his guard down. “Sorry, I had a feeling you were going to ghost me for eternity. I pretty much squeezed it out of him.”
“I’ll be squeezing his neck next time I see him…” Adam muttered.
Chris ignored him, turning to me fully. “Baby, let’s talk about it.” I knew what he was referring to. What he really wanted to discuss. Why he’d come here. He needed to make sure I wouldn’t tell people. And I wouldn’t, but the fact he’d come here to check on that instead of me hurt. It was like I was the one who’d broken the trust between us, not the other way around.
“Nothing to talk about. She’s mine now. Have a nice life. Or, don’t. None of my business.” Adam started shutting the door in Chris’ face, but Chris held it open at the last minute with his hand.
“Nika, please.”
Adam swung the door open. “You had your chance and you blew it. Now get out before more things blow up.”
“You guys, please.”
“Let’s let Nika decide.” Chris gestured toward me.
“Listen, I…” I tried desperately to get a word between the two men.
“I’m going to knock your fucking teeth out,” Adam growled.
“You’re insane. I’m calling TMZ.”
“Call the pope for all I care. I’m not letting you harass her. Not after what you put her through.”
I did the only thing I could. I jumped between them.
“Enough,” I growled. “You’re not even talking about the same thing. Adam, your place in my life is secure. Chris is not trying to win me back. Chris, your secret is safe with me. I have no interest in ruining your life, but just so you know, you’re going to live a miserable existence being someone’s sidepiece. Especially under the current conditions. You’re obviously in love, and not with me. You’re bound to get hurt. A lot. Think about it.”
Chris faltered.
Adam shot Chris a confused look, then shook his head very slowly. “Oh,” he said. “Oh shit.”
Oh shit? What did he mean?
“You’re Chris Fairfield.”
Chris blinked, frowning at him. “How’d you figure that out?”
“Everyone knows you’re having an affair with Johnny Grady. He’s been flaunting it behind your back ever since I can remember. He was frequenting VIP nightclubs back when I was starting out, trying to pick up dudes. His go-to explanation was that he wasn’t afraid to be thrown out of the closet because he had an arrangement with his guitarist. He mentioned you by name. Often. I remember thinking it was weird that he did that, but figured you didn’t give a shit. That you got yourself a sugar daddy of sorts. I didn’t make the connection when Nik told me she broke up with her boyfriend, Chris, who was a musician. But now…” Adam trailed off, shaking his head. “Shit, man.”
“He tells people?” Chris’ voice shook, and despite everything, my heart went to him. Betrayal felt bitter and raw, no matter to whom it was directed. Chris stumbled backwards, his back hitting the opposite wall.
“He told me…he said…” He cupped his mouth, his eyes growing wide.
I shook my head. “I’m sorry,” I mouthed. I was sorry for both of us, really. Because if everyone knew that Chris was having an affair with Johnny Grady, they also knew I was his beard. Now, I’d thought Chris and I were the real deal. We had sex pretty often. At least three times a week when he wasn’t touring. But others didn’t.