Page 7 of She's Too Young (She's Too Young 1)
“I don’t want to go back to class afterward,” she says, tightening the knot around my throat. “If you take me to the office with you, I promise not to be distracting.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t possibly keep,” I rasp, ready to call the whole damn thing off and take her home. Maybe that’s exactly what she wants. To drive me so out of my mind, I lose all sense of responsibility. Or hell, my sanity. Standing in the hallway of a high school, I’m halfway to losing it already. “I think you’re enjoying leading me around by the dick, Veda, but you need to know one thing.” I take hold of her wrist and apply the barest amount of pressure. “I’m letting you.”
The answering flash of defiance in her eyes stiffens my cock, makes my palm itch to connect with her sweet bottom. “Shall we go in?” She says, sweetly.
Without looking, I reach out and push open the door, inclining my head so she’ll precede me. I follow behind her into the spacious classroom and it takes me exactly three seconds to ascertain why Veda wanted me at this meeting. Oh yes. I might have won the battle out in the hallway, but she just took a huge step toward winning the war.
Sitting at the head of the class is Veda’s professor—Talvert, if I recall—a man in his early-forties, wearing thick-rimmed glasses and a beard. He’s watching her approach the way a lion greets a gazelle. If he dropped to all fours and started salivating down his chin, it couldn’t be more obvious he’s developed an interest in Veda that goes far beyond the teacher-student relationship. And the whimsical look she throws over her shoulder tells me she’s aware of that fact—probably even delighted with it—if only because she knows I’m halfway to crazy just knowing she’s been in this man’s presence day in and day out. I’d like to murder him with my bare hands and we haven’t even exchanged a single word. Yet.
My saving grace here is I have the ability to keep an impassive expression, no matter the circumstances, so Talvert has no idea he’s just lost his job. Neither does Veda, however, and the scales are already too imbalanced between her and me, so this meeting must go on, whether I like it or not.
Keeping my features schooled, I extend a hand to Talvert and wait for his feeble mind to catch up. Yes, you weren’t expecting me, were you, fucker? But I’m here now and your fun is over. “Sorry,” he says, “I was expecting Mr. Rose. Veda’s father.”
“Mr. Rose has been taken abroad indefinitely for his job.” I release his hand and step back, unbuttoning my suit jacket to sit down. “My name is Ramsey Beckett and I’m here in his place. Begin whenever you’re ready.”
While the man begins his inevitable sputtering over my recognizable name, I watch Veda as she flits around the room, spinning around in the sunlight streaming in through the classroom windows. How can I be angry at someone who looks like a fragile fairy? I am, though. Or maybe angry isn’t the right word. Helpless. Anxious. An unacceptable state. I’ve been gripped by this possessiveness since she approached me on the ledge and it won’t let me go. I don’t want to be free, anyway. I just want to lose myself in it. In her. Every time she exploits my weakness—her—the impulse only glows hotter, like coals on a fire.
Veda…she fascinates people. Men. Always has.
The memory of Jack’s words isn’t welcome. My inner coals are already bright red with jealousy. Now I’m growing impatient with the imbecile professor as he roots through paperwork looking for something that gives me permission to take Mr. Rose’s place at the meeting. We both know it’s not there and I resent valuable minutes being wasted. “Please begin, Mr. Talvert. I only have a small window of time.”
Red splotches appear on his cheeks, but he sits across from me at his desk, casting a look rife with longing at a dancing Veda. “It’s not usual for the student to be present…a-and you’re not even her parent—”
“Veda is living with me in Mr. Rose’s absence.” Satisfaction snakes into my middle when his fidgeting movements still, his lips parting on a winded exhale. “And she stays. Begin,” I say, more firmly. “I’d hate to be denied the chance to further a student’s academic mind, especially after making such a sizable donation this morning to the school, in an effort to do just that for thousands of them.”
A cloud passes over the sun outside as tension infiltrates the classroom. In my periphery, I watch Veda cease her spinning, her blonde halo of hair floating down from above. Her scrutiny glides over my skin like a gloved hand, but I don’t break Talvert’s stare to look back, though I ache to get an eyeful. When she takes a seat to my right seconds later, it takes an effort to hide my shock.
“Very well,” Talvert croaks, splitting a harried glance between Veda and me. “Veda is…excelling in all areas of study. Apart from requiring some extra help in Advanced Calculus, she’s done incredibly well. Her SAT score has courted the interest of several universities, to whom I’ve written detailed recommendation letters.”
His smile is that of a lovesick puppy and my hands fist when Veda returns it in that dreamy, indulgent way, blue eyes sparkling. Sickening jealousy and the undeniable desire to put a claim on her has me reaching over to settle a hand on her knee. “I’m not surprised to hear she’s doing so well.” I let my touch slide higher, just an inch. Two inches. “She gets a lot of…extra attention at home.”
Veda’s head whips around and the flash of excitement I catch in her expression isn’t lost on me. If possible, it only stokes my anger, because this loss of composure from me is what she wanted. A worthy adversary, is she? We’ll find out exactly how far she’s willing to tangle with me as soon as this damnable meeting ends.
“Is there anything else, Mr. Talvert?” I ask, my lips barely able to move.
His attention is glued to my hand where it rests dangerously high on Veda’s thigh. God help me, I can’t tell if I want to clean his clock or slide my hand beneath her skirt to touch what is mine and will never be his.
“N-no,” the professor responds, his face covered in splotches. “That will be all.”
Without hesitation, I take Veda by the hand and propel her from the classroom, a flood of sound making me temporarily deaf.
Chapter Six
Veda and I are the recipients of several curious looks as we leave the school, her hand held firmly in mine. I see them wondering where I’m taking her in the middle of the school day. They’re doing the math as well, trying to figure out my age and who that number could possibly make me to Veda.
I care about none of them. My sole focus is getting her into my waiting stretch limousine and making contact. That’s as far as I’ve gotten. I need contact. Not only with her body, but her eyes. I need to look into them and hear words from her mouth. Words I imagine will not appease my anger in any way, but I’m desperate for them nonetheless. I want to crush the strands of her hair in my fists and press her down. Somewhere. Anywhere.
My driver opens the door for us and Veda ducks inside, throwing herself down on a seat and crossing her arms, leveling so much outrage at me, I laugh. I laugh because nothing—nothing—can dim her appeal. I want her angry, whimsical, sad, or excited. There’s nothing she can do to push me away, but she’s trying, isn’t she? Trying like a little, hissing kitten.
As soon as the door shuts behind me, I grip her beneath the knees and yank her off the leather seat, pinning her down hard on the floor.
“Get off me,” Veda screams. “I hate you.”
“You must.” When she takes a swing at me, I pin both of her wrists in one hand, high above her head. “I can’t imagine another reason you would bring me down here to watch another man fawn over you.” The sound that comes from my mouth is sheer misery and it echoes deep in the pit of my stomach. “Has he touched you? Has he?”
My vehemence has startled her a little, but she raises her chin defiantly. “Yes. He has.”
“Explain,” I order through clenched teeth. “Now.”