Page 10 of She's Too Young (She's Too Young 1)
Chapter Seven
I’ve been working around the clock to make up for taking the afternoon off for Veda’s school meeting, so I haven’t seen her since yesterday, when I carried her limp body from the limousine to my bedroom, leaving her there fast asleep. Now it is Saturday evening and I’ve finally broken free of my obligations. My head is a wreck, courtesy of going over twenty-four hours without touching the angel.
Believe me, I’d like nothing more than to take her doggy style on the living room ottoman in lieu of a greeting, but she needs more from me. Despite my desire to keep her all to myself, she has told me isolation makes her unhappy. I’m going to kill myself making Veda happy, so she’ll stay with me
once my deeds are out in the open. It’s only a matter of time before she finds out I strong-armed her father into signing a contract, purchasing her until she turns eighteen. And when light is shed on my depravity, I need her to be too wrapped up in me to care. I need her to stay past her eighteenth birthday, straight through to forever.
I’ll see no goddamn reason to go on, otherwise.
Her singing hits my ears the moment the elevator doors roll open. The beautiful sound is coming from the kitchen and I stride in that direction, unknotting my tie as I go. When I enter the room, she spins around with a yelp, her hand flying to her throat.
And fuck, giving her my cock from behind just got a whole lot more appealing, since she’s wearing nothing but a red thong and an apron. She’s holding a spoon covered in chocolate batter in her right hand and I get a painful erection when she lifts it, collecting some of the mixture with a long lick. “Hi, Ramsey.”
“Hello, Veda.” I go toward her slowly. “We talked about you tempting other men, didn’t we? That includes the security detail I have stationed in the front entryway and the back hall.”
Another seductive lick of the spoon causes moisture to bead on the tip of my dick. When she smiles, I think she knows it, too, the little brat. “They don’t come into the kitchen,” she murmurs. “I was wearing clothes, but the oven was hot.” She shrugs. “And then I got hot.”
Another lick—but this time I grab the utensil and toss it onto the counter with a clatter. I slide the tie from around my neck…and slowly wind the silk material around her neck. Not tight. But definitely not loose, either. Her bee stung lips pop open and it’s all I can do to refrain from begging her to suck me off. “There is every chance they could come into the kitchen, Veda, and it would anger me beyond reason for another man to see you dressed this way.” I tighten the material a touch more and her eyelids flutter, a hint of nervousness flickering in her eyes. “They might be expensive and trustworthy, but I wouldn’t trust the Pope around an ass like yours. They’d turn into animals before you could blink.”
Her blue eyes flash. “I’m tired of worrying about men not knowing how to behave,” she whispers. “Why should that be my problem?”
“You’re wrong.” I back her up against the counter, dip down and come up between her legs, growling at the way her cunt cradles my erection. “It’s my problem.” I roll my hips and her head falls back on a moan, the tie still secured around her neck. “I love it being my problem. You’re mine to guard and I’m grateful for it. I just need you to be more careful.”
She lifts her head, sparking blue eyes finding mine. There’s a stubborn set to her chin and I can see she wants to argue, so I reach into my pocket and dangle the present I brought home in front of her face. When she sees what I’m holding, her mulishness fades, making way for breathtaking delight. “What—what is it? I-it looks like—”
“It’s a bracelet to match your mother’s locket.” Apart from the fact that the bracelet is twenty-four karat gold and her mother’s necklace is likely far less—not that I would ever tell Veda—it’s a perfect replica. Until now, it seemed like a good idea, but now that she’s looking at the damn thing, I have no idea. “Do you…like it?”
“What?” Her expression is one of disbelief. “It’s incredible. I can’t believe you did this.” The happier she becomes with me, the harder I get. “Thank you, Ramsey.”
While waiting for her to look at me, I pull myself back into check. “Now, can you please agree to be more careful?” I drop my guard and let her see how serious I am about her safety. “Clothes on unless Ramsey is around, right, angel?”
Her smile is sweet, indulgent, but she still eye-rolls me. “Fine.”
I drop my hands, wedging them between her naked ass cheeks and the counter, noticing her pussy turns more pliant as I knead her flesh. “That’s a good girl.” My mouth finds hers and we don’t hold back, her sweet lips going wide to let me in, to let me taste the beauty I’ve been missing. I’m sorely regretting my decision not to fuck her yet, because she’d be a such a tight ride with her feet dangling several inches off the floor. She’d probably whine over still being tender from yesterday, but she’d forget all about it once I gave her a reason to be tender tomorrow.
“Ramsey,” Veda says, taking in gulps of air. “You should know something.”
My nerves snap in half like a pencil. “Tell me.”
Setting the bracelet down behind her on the counter, Veda slides her arms around my neck and gives me a look full of gravity. “It’s just…I can be jealous, too, you know.” She grinds her hips in a circle and I bite back a growl. “While I was waiting for you to come home, I looked up your company’s employee profiles. I wanted to see if you worked with any pretty women.”
It never occurred to me that Veda might dislike the idea of me interacting with other women. Why would it? I’ve got the fantasy girl I never knew I needed, living right here under my roof—and she’s better than I could have ever imagined. “Is that right?” Our kiss is long and wet and we don’t pull away until we’re both panting. “What did you find out?”
“There are some pretty ones.” Her fingernails dig into the back of my neck, her voice catching. “I want you to fire them all on Monday, Ramsey.”
It’s an irrational and, hell, illegal solution to her unfounded jealousy, but knowing she’s possessive, too, has me so fucking hot, I can barely be logical. “Angel, the only girl I’m interested in is wearing little, red panties in my kitchen. And I can’t fire someone because of how they look.”
If her feet were on the floor, she would have stomped one about now. “Figure something out.” She closes her eyes with a frustrated sigh and when she opens them again, they’re glittering with unshed tears, her mouth in a sexy pout. “Please, Ramsey?” Her hips treat me to another slow grind. “It will make me happy.”
There it is. Those five words rule my universe now. I don’t know how I’ll manage to accomplish what she’s asking, but I know I’ll stop at nothing to make her blissful. God knows I’m irrational and jealous over her—how can I ignore that same quality in her, when I know how much it burns? “I’ll figure it out between now and Monday,” I say, my heart going wild when she beams at me like the summer sunshine. “But you’ll have to point out the pretty ones, because I can’t remember a single other woman’s face since I met you.”
Her mouth falls open, eyes going soft at my honesty. “Do you really mean that?”
“I never say anything I don’t mean.”
She hums, her gaze trailing down over my collar. “You looked so hot when you walked in.” She’s buoyant now over having gotten her way and I love it. God, I’m going to spoil this princess rotten. “You’re always so hot. The girls in my class would die if they saw you. But I’ll never let them,” she finishes in a sing song voice, her feet swinging back and forth on either side of me. “Are we going to have sex now?”
Yes. The urge to growl the word and tuck myself into her pussy is severe, so I close my eyes and count to ten. “Veda, besides me taking you to bed, what else would make you happy?”
Her feet stop swinging. “Like, right now?”
I nod.
She plays with the ends of my hair as she thinks. “Is money an object?”
“Money is never an object.” I think of the check I wrote out to her father, the words mine now written on the memo line. The six-figure wardrobe I ordered for her from Bergdorf’s this morning. “Especially when it comes to you.”
“Let’s do something good with it.” Finding her feet, she slides out from beneath me and dances around the kitchen. The jealousy is gone now and replaced by the sweet, gracious girl I met on the roof of my building, who begged me not to jump. She’s a thousand personalities rolled up into one disarming package and I crave them all. “Let’s go buy a bunch of sporting equipment and donate it to a youth center. Or…or…rent out a cinema and bring a bunch of underprivileged kids to see a movie. With popcorn. Can we do that?”
” Her energy is infectious and I think I must be smiling like a crazy person, even with my hard dick wedged up behind my belt. Although, when something occurs to me, my smile fades. “Were you one of those underprivileged kids at one point, Veda?”
She looks off to the side and I immediately miss her eyes. “A long time ago, before my father started working for you, the three of us—me, him, and my mother—lived in a studio in East New York. He’d been laid off from his old job and my mother was sick, so she couldn’t work. It was…hard. We didn’t eat sometimes. And I never went to the movies.” Her attention swings back to me and I hang onto it. “Your company gave him a chance and it changed everything.”
God, if she knew the forcible difference I made in their lives this time around, she wouldn’t be giving me that gorgeous smile. More than likely, she’d be cursing me to the devil and running out the door. No. I can’t let it happen. Without her, I’m dead inside. This foreign hopefulness I’m learning to embrace—the anticipation over seeing her each morning—will fade to black. “We can do both. Rent the theater and donate the equipment.” I clear my throat. “Anything you want, angel. I’ll just make some calls.”
Brightening, she runs toward me and leaps, wrapping her legs around my waist, laying a smacking kiss on both of my cheeks. “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
Something sharp turns over in my chest. I know she doesn’t mean it in the deepest sense, but I’m taking the words and running with them anyway. I’ll devote my life to hearing them over and over.
And praying what I’ve done won’t cause her to say the reverse: I hate you.
Chapter Eight
I’m horny. God, I’m horny. I’m living in a constant state of arousal so thick, I can barely zip my pants over the hard-on I sport every moment of the day. It’s Sunday morning, and since Veda and I returned home late from bringing two hundred kids from the youth center to the movies—and she couldn’t keep her eyes open afterward—I haven’t been inside her since the very first time.