Page 85 of Quasim: King Inferno
I continued to kiss her shoulder. “Seeing you on that swing in that red… I had to fucking have you right now… whenever I want it, you gonna give it to me?”
“Anytime you want it,” she smiled at me, kissing me on the nose, as I fixed the straps on her dress.
I didn’t count for our first time being in the back of a sprinter van, but I couldn’t wait until we got back to the villa. After last night, it took great restraint not to slip inside her hella times. One thing my baby had to learn is that I controlled shit in the bedroom.
Slapping her ass, I kissed her on the neck. “Ready to head back?”
“No.” She whined and held onto me tighter.
“You know you fucked up, right?”
She popped her head up and stared at me puzzled. “What you mean?”
I held her chin. “You let me inside you, Anjo… that calm shit I was on is out the window… I’m making everything a problem when it comes to you.” I kissed her chin, as she laughed.
“I have to find a plan b or something… maybe the housekeeper knows, she speaks the best English.” She paused and looked at me. “Why you looking at me like that, Simmy?”
“Stop fucking playing with me, Blair.” The thought of me nutting inside of her was scary, knowing what came with that.
Even knowing that I could get her pregnant, the sound of her wanting to take a plan b pissed me the fuck off. I was a conflicted nigga, and I knew that and owned the shit. I could have slid inside of her while in Italy, but I held back because I knew the minute that I was inside her that I would feel like this.
“I’m not trying to have you knock me up and then run away from me.” Her silly ass smirked, as I pinched her ass.
“Do me a favor.”
“What’s that?”
“Two actually.”
“First one… I handle my responsibility, and you are my responsibility, so if a baby comes out of this… just know you gonna have to pry me away from you cause I’m not going nowhere… need you to know that, ight?”
She nodded her head. “Well, there won’t be too much of you just releasing your seeds inside of me. I said I wanted tomarryyou andthenhave your babies… inthatorder. What’s the second favor?”
“Jeffie had a miscarriage. See if she’ll open up to you… feel like she’s been down.” I rubbed her ass while she stared at me.
“I was wondering what was going on with her. She’s always so chipper, and since we got here, she’s seemed so gloomy… that’s sweet of you, Simmy.”
She kissed my nose again, as I palmed her ass while staring into her eyes. “You telling me that I have to marry you in order for you to have my babies?”
“That’s exactly what I’m telling you… won’t have me out here chasing you down like a baby mama.” She snickered, clearly so fucking tickled by her little joke.
Anjo had no clue how serious I was when it came to how I was coming behind her. Give me the white straight jacket because all my control and common sense went out the window. Like Blaze said, it wasall gas no sensebehind the future Queen Inferno.
“You haveto feel the beat and the music,” I coached Capri as I shook my ass, and she looked up from her book.
I was playing bounce music while shaking my ass while we were sitting by the pool. She looked up from her book and watched me. “I see that thang moving… check you out.”
We both started laughing as I slumped back down in the chair. “How are you doing? I need to do my daily bestie check in with you.”
She closed her book and smiled. “I’m actually good. Mommy has been sending me pictures every day, and I see her over facetime. I’m enjoying it being me and Meer, because we haven’t had time like this since our honeymoon.”
“I agree. You both need to make sure that you keep that time for you… you never told me the results of the pregnancy test.”
She pulled her legs up to her chest. “It was negative. I think my sigh of relief and how hysterical I was hurt Meer’s feelings, though. He wants another baby, and I do want to give it to?—”