Page 82 of Quasim: King Inferno
She pulled at my lip. “I won’t.”
“Actually, you need to be drafting that letter to homie, because we not about to drag this shit out… you don’t want him on a shirt, my love.”
She followed behind me. “No, Quasim.”
“I told you what you need to do… eat. I know for a fact one of your medications has to be taken with food.”
She stomped but took her ass over to that vanity with the food and sat down. “Is that why you wouldn’t put it in last night?”
I laughed. “Exactly why.”
“So, you would have held off until I eventually told you?”
“I’m a patient man, Anjo… did you ever have plans on telling me?”
She shook her head yes. “Just didn’t know how to tell you… I feel stupid for even doing it, and ashamed.”
I watched as she took a bite of the biscuit looking pastry I had put on her plate. “We all got a past, Anjo. Just don’t fucking lie to me about it, ight?”
She smiled. “Like you and Brad?”
I walked over toward her as she stared in the mirror eating, rubbing her shoulders, I kissed her neck. “What’s her face? I don’t even remember her name.”
“Yeah, you better not remember her name.”
I laughed, because she swore she was running shit. Anjo had no idea that I was the nigga in charge in all parts of this, and the minute she got this dick, I wasn’t going to be the only one crazy.
“Yo, you got her out here looking like she had an allergic reaction with all those damn passion marks.” Blaze whispered as we walked up this steep ass hill to get to this damn swing.
The pictures didn’t match shit that Capri had shown me. There were a bunch of people waiting in line with hella people trying to sell you packages to whatever else they had going on. Our driver knew about all the spots, and damn near knew everyone, so he was able to get us to pay extra so everyone could skip the line.
I laughed. “It was something she ate that made her break out.”
Blaze looked at me and laughed. “Don’t be all weird when we get fucking home. Cause if I have to sit up and listen to my wifetalking her down… I’m coming to your house and shitting in the middle of your living room… me and Beretta.”
I looked at my brother and often wondered if my mother was drinking when she was pregnant with him. Blaze was something a little different, and I never could put my finger on it. Nigga was bat shit crazy, and that was something we shared.
I was quieter about mine. You didn’t find out that I was a little crazy until you were already in it with me. It wasn’t like I wasn’t warning Blair ahead of time, I gave her ass two warnings. The third one would come with some action if she did some wild shit that made me have to come out of character.
“I told her that I love her.” Blaze came to me about everything he had going on, and always needed that brotherly advice.
I was his older brother and always felt like I was burdening him with my problems, so I never spoke on my shit, always keeping it to myself. Gams always told me I was like a ticking time bomb and the minute that I exploded, it wouldn’t be good for nobody.
My brother that always had something smart to say was speechless, and his look was serious. “This all I want for you, Sim.”
“Chill, we just exchanged words.”
“That’s where you get it fucked up. I know it’s been a minute since you said that shit to someone, but those aren’t just words to her… hell, to me. When I told Suga I loved her, that shit was a feeling. Yeah, I said the words to her, but I felt the shit before the words even left my mouth.”
“I hear you.”
He was right.
I had been in denial about how I felt about Blair for a little minute. Always pushing it out of my head and convincing myself that she was better off without me. When she hopped out the car to get on the jet to go to Monaco, I felt that shit hard.