Page 76 of Quasim: King Inferno
The last person she had been with had been Rich, so he was the only person that could have done this to her. I was sick to my stomach as I tossed the phone in the seat beside me while trying to steady my breathing. I wanted to rip that nigga’s head off his shoulder and shove it up his ass.
My father sat down beside me and lowered his head, saying a prayer. I came from a praying family, one that when life became too hard or confusing, we bowed our heads and said a prayer. I followed him and did the same, while Blaze sat beside me and joined us.
My heart was weak, and I struggled to take a breath because of the unknown. Why the fuck would she go and meet with him? I warned her to end shit with him, tell him to get the fuck on because he meant no good. None of those Vipers meant any fucking good, and now she was in this hospital, fighting for her life.
The sound of the huge wooden doors opened, and we all stood up. I watched as the doctor walked across the room,coming directly to me. The sorrow in his eyes reached me before his feet did, and deep down I already knew.
My baby was gone.
He couldn’t play poker to save his life, because I read every emotion from this man. Then again, I had always felt others emotions so strongly, always knowing when something was wrong. “I’m sorry, she didn’t make it… we tried everything, and she coded twice. The last time, we couldn’t bring her back.”
I felt my father’s arm on my shoulder, and my brothers on the other one as my knees started to give out. Blaze and my father held me up as I looked at the doctor with tears in my eyes. My chest was on fire. Fear, anger, and sadness all riddled my body like bullets as I clutched onto my brother and father while I screamed out in pain.
The pain of knowing that my baby’s soul was floating away while her body was still in the back lifeless. She was leaving her daughter, something she swore she would never do.
“Stop fucking lying to me… she wouldn’t do that shit to me. Cherie wouldn’t fucking leave us!” I screamed at the doctor, lunging at him, and Blaze had to pull me back.
I tried hard to beat the shit out the doctor, even knowing none of this was his fault. My father was zoned out, taking in what the doctor had said. He snapped out of it while helping Blaze keep me from beating this doctor’s ass.
Security had come over as I called this man every name in the book like this was his fault. Like he told Cherie to meet up with that nigga. “Pop, you need to calm down… chill out,” my father spoke in my ear, calling me the nickname he had called me since a kid.
Only he got away with still calling me Pop every once in a while. “She not gone… she wouldn’t do no shit like that to me.” I broke down in my father’s arms as he held me tightly whileBlaze stood there with tears in his eyes, unsure on what to do or what to say.
“Yo.. you can come to the back to see her if you would like, give you and your family some privacy.” The doctor stammered.
“Thanks.” Blaze said.
My father continued to hug me while I sobbed on his shoulder like a fucking child, so broken and hurt. Eventually we made it to the back, and the doctor stood to the side, while my father and Blaze both fell back, allowing me to go into the room.
Everything was blurry as I looked into the room, seeing her covered in a sheet. I walked slowly into the room, tears falling down my face as I saw her hand. I stopped short, staring up at the ceiling, needing all the strength to see her like this.
They tried to clean her up as best as they could, but I could see some of the blood on the fresh white sheet. I walked slowly over toward her and sniffled as I looked at her favorite butterfly necklace that I had bought her. Cherie loved butterflies. It was her favorite thing, and when we met, she actually had a butterfly clip in her hair with her curls pinned up.
It was the slices under the pendant that caught my attention, and I removed the sheet, showing more slices all on her body. Like someone was using her skin to sharpen their knives. “I…I’m sorry, bab…baby,” I whimpered as I covered her body up and kissed her on the forehead.
I didn’t want to leave her.
Climbing onto the other side, I didn’t care that she was gone. In my heart, she was still here, and my chest felt calm feeling her next to me. It was like I knew she was gone, but my mind refused to believe the shit. I held her in my arms as tears fell down my face onto hers.
Recommendation: Listen to ‘lose control’ by Silk
“I’m…I’m so fucking sorry… I’m sorry,” Quasim rocked in his sleep, his arms behind his head, as tears fell down his face.
He was asleep, but he had been jumping in his sleep since the moment he finally settled into the bed. I noticed that was something he did in Monaco when I was asleep on him. Each time he jumped; I held him tighter.
“What…what did he do to you?” He mumbled with such passion, pain, and hurt in his voice as his face flinched, but his arms remained behind his head.
Tears fell down the sides of his face as he trembled, shaking and flinching all at the same time. “Simmy,” I choked out, with my own tears coming down my eyes.
Quasim was always so strong, stoic, nothing rattled him. Seeing him like this broke my heart, because it had shown me how much pain this man had been in, and he had been in thatpain alone. He carried his trauma and pain on his back, never allowing anyone inside.
Not even his own brother.
I crawled across the bed, and carefully put my body on top of his, the weight of my body on his caused his eyes to pop open.
He stared at me like he was registering that we were in Bali, and we were sharing a room together, and that I was hisAnjo. I could see it all come back to him as he removed his hands from behind his head and wrapped them around me. With how tight he held me, I felt like I was melting into his arms, we were becoming one.