Page 68 of Quasim: King Inferno
“By the time you’re back from your trip, I’ll be in Europe… you feel like flying back out to chill with me?”
“Dang, I didn’t even leave you yet and you already planning on when to see me again,” I giggled, and he slapped my ass, causing me to squeal.
He stared up into my eyes. “You gonna come?”
“You do know I have an actual business to run, right? I don’t wanna give you an answer right away… let’s touch base when I’m back home.”
“Touch base,” he chuckled.
“You talking like this business, B.” He leaned up and rested his back against the headboard, while pulling me up on him.
“I’m saying… I don’t know what my schedule looks like when I’m back home. Don’t wanna break a promise to you.”
I had plans on taking the summer off because I had hired help with the studio. Even with me taking off, I had a few classes that I had to run because women wanted me specifically. It was surreal knowing how much my business had taken off, and how much women wanted me to be part of their pregnancy and delivery.
“I’ll give you that… one condition.”
“What’s that?”
He held me around the waist and looked at me. “Give me a kiss.”
I smiled. “I can do that.”
I held his face as I softly kissed his lips, while images flashed in my head of Quasim shoving his tongue down my throat inMonaco. Pulling back, I looked at Zay, and he seemed satisfied. If he wasn’t, then he did a damn good job at pretending.
“You not ready and I respect that, B.”
“I’m sorry. It has been so long since I’ve had sex, that I get in my head… I don’t want to rush into things."
He rubbed the side of my face. “You don’t need to explain to me… I’ve rushed into sex in other relationships and that shit ended bad. We can take our time.”
“You’re too good, Zay.”
He smiled at me as I climbed from off him and got comfortable in the bed beside him. “Night.”
“Night, B.”
I checked to make sure my alarm was correct and sent Capri a message before closing my eyes to rest before heading to the private airport tomorrow.
The Bentley pulled through the gates of the private airport. Capri had texted that they had landed, and she sent that almost an hour ago. The traffic to get over this way was a headache and had me showing up later than I wanted.
Then I had to go inside the small office of the airport and verify who I was and show them my passports and documents, which took another twenty minutes.
Zay held my hand as we drove across the runway heading toward the jet that was awaiting. I was sad to be leaving him, but excited to be going out the country with my family. We had been talking about this trip in the group chat for months, and now itwas finally happening. While we were there, we were going to celebrate Capri’s birthday, too.
The driver pulled in front of the jet, and Zay got out before him and came around to open the door for me while the driver grabbed my luggage to have it loaded onto the jet. Jeffie popped her head off the jet, and I squealed.
“You didn’t tell me you were coming!”
“Skyler told me that I should come and have a vacation. Plus, Menace is in Aspen.”
I screwed my face up. “In the summer?”
Jeffie sighed. “Now you know he ain’t like everybody else.”
She went back onto the jet, and I turned my attention back to Zay, who looked so sad to see me go. “This is me.”