Page 58 of Quasim: King Inferno
“I did call you and was met with your voicemail. Ass had that DND turned on again, huh?”
I snorted because it was my fault he didn’t call back. “You know what… I apologize.”
“It’s all good. As long as you make it up to me by flyingwithme to Chicago.”
I smiled. “I thought I was catching a flight a few days later.”
“You ever been on a jet, Blair?”
“I have.”
The line was quiet. Guess he was shocked that I had been on a jet before and that wouldn’t impress me. Being friends with Capri, between her family and husband, they chartered jets with the quickness.
“We gonna talk about who you be catching jets with.”
“Not you wanting to be all in my business… just know I’ve been on a few. You nervous for tonight’s show… it’s your city.”
“Nah, never nervous. You should be nervous when I pull you up on stage.”
“I am not going up on that stage with you… hell no.” I choked out a laugh, nervous because he seemed serious about inviting me up on that stage with him.
The world was already talking about Zay’s mystery girl and wanting to know more about me. Since the last time we were spotted together was at his friend’s restaurant opening, it had died down. I wasn’t trying to have them back on our case again, not when I didn’t want to be splashed all over the blogs.
People were mean.
“Scary ass.”
“I’ll be the scary cat and wear the crown proudly.”
He chuckled. “I’ll see you tonight after the show… have fun with your friends cause I want all your attention after the show.”
“Hmm… we’ll see about that. See you tonight.”
I ended the call and went back to reading while trying to play it cool. My eyes quickly looked over at Quasim and he didn’t seem bothered.
“Excited to see your man do his thing tonight.”
“He’s not my man.”
I turned in my seat. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, Blair.”
“Oh, I’m Blair now?” I didn’t mean for that to come out or to even seem like I cared that he called me by name.
“Ain’t that your name?”
“You’re an asshole, Quasim… can’t believe I was ever in love with you.”
He snorted. “So, you fall out of love that fast?”
“You tend to learn how to stop caring when you’re shuffled around from foster homes… your attachments to people tend to fade as quickly as you’re in a new home, so yes.”
“Good to know.”