Page 51 of Quasim: King Inferno
You probably wouldn’t know you were on his bad side until you were already dead – asking God what happened because it happened so quickly. Zoya gestured for me to take a seat, and I slowly did as requested, my nerves all over the place.
Zoya had been helping me with my divorce because I didn’t know where to turn, or who to hire to help me get out of this mess I had found myself in. Marrying Tyshawn was the worst thing that I could have done.
There was really no rhyme or reason why we needed to be married. Other than the fact that hewantedto be married, and I didn’t want to get punched in the side of my head for telling him no. At times, I regretted not putting up more of a fight and telling him that I didn’t want to marry him. He murdered our baby, and then I went and married him.
Zoya stood up and went to the bar in her corner. “A congratulations is in order… you are officially divorced.”
I was gagged.
Too stunned to even form words as I watched her pour us both a drink and switch over toward me to hand me a glass. “Wh…what do you mean? He signed the papers that easy?”
Zoya took back the brown liquor and sat back down. “It’s always easy when you’re a Caselli, Blair. I told you that I would handle it for you, and I came through because you have come through for me… you are done with that man for good.”
I held the cup in my hand, unable to move as the tears fell down my cheeks. “Zoy, you don’t understand how much… Jesus, I can’t even think straight.”
She reached her hand across the desk and looked me in the eyes. “I understand how much this means to you. This paper is signed, and you can truly go and live your life without worrying about him. I’m not here to judge you because you did what you had to do, Blair. You have friends who will protect you, and menthat’s coming behind you like you’re their blood. Those Delgatos and Infernos don’t play any games behind their family, and they have included you into their family.”
I snatched a few pieces of tissue out the box on her desk and dabbed my face, careful not to mess with my make up. “Do I even want to know how you got him to sign this?”
“On a need-to-know basis, and if he was smart, he would move on with his life.” Zoya rolled her eyes.
The knock at her door caused us both to look. Capri opened the door and smiled, as she carefully closed it back. “I almost had a stroke walking from my office over here… I’m taking a cab back.”
I looked down at her feet and saw the Louboutin So Kate heels she wore, then looked up at her. “You walked over here in those?”
Capri looked at us confused. “Yeah, why?”
Zoya laughed. “You are certified… you probably were about to have a stroke because of the pain.”
Capri helped herself to some water in the fridge that was near the bar. “Anyway, did you tell her the good news?”
“Am I the last one to find out about my own divorce?”
Capri clapped her hands and hugged me before sitting in the chair beside me. “You are free from that bum. Now you can move on, marry Quasim, have babies, and all that jazz.”
When she mentioned Quasim, I heaved a long sigh and slumped down in my chair. “Me and Quasim are done… like done.”
“Like donedone?” Zoya asked again to confirm what I was actually saying. Especially because she knew how much I loved that damn man.
“Yes… I cannot continue to keep doing this with him. I told him that I loved him, butt ass naked while he was over me, and he froze… couldn’t even say it back to me.”
Capri crossed her legs and screwed the top to her bottle back on. “Is that why he found himself sleeping outside on my back patio with a bottle of gin, and that picture of the two of you in Miami up on the screen?”
My heart ached when she mentioned the picture I had forced him to take. “I cannot continue to keep being roped in with shit like that. I’m tired of waiting around until he’s ready… I’ve given him space, even time, because I had my own shit going on. Now that I am healthy and not doing chemo and puking my guts out on the daily, I want to live, and I want a man. I’ve spent the time healing and learning what I want, and Quasim can’t give me that… I want to be fucked from sunup to sundown… eyelash hanging off, and hair just stuck to my damn forehead.”
Capri fanned herself. “I hear you girl… I hear you.”
Zoya laughed. “You gonna end up with another one if you don’t stop going to see that man about a horse.”
“Now Zoy, you know I’m going to see a man about a bike.”
“Screams in vibrator,” I sighed.
Zoya and Capri laughed. “Sorry, B… Sim can give you that… he just doesn’t know it.” Zoya defended him.
“Well, I can’t sit around and wait for him to figure it out. He left me butt ass naked… I just knew I was gonna wake up with a sock on my head the next morning. Ended up sleeping on my couch and crying myself to sleep, and he doesn’t care.”