Page 2 of Quasim: King Inferno
“Tyshawn, you need to get the fuck out of here… we’ve been broken up and I’m not coming back… I’m done.” She stood by the fridge, too scared to move closer to me.
My heart twisted hearing her tell me that she wasn’t coming back. I looked down at my hands as I sat on the couch.
“My key still works. You said that as long as my key still works that you’ll love me.”
Blair snorted. “You fucking kidnapped me and my friend… she was almost raped, and then you beat the fuck out of me and then locked me in the room to leave me for dead. Tyshawn, that lock should have been changed but I’ve been busy. It will be locked the next time you try and use that damn key.”
“Cause you so busy fucking with those Inferno Gods, huh? Blair, you think Quasim gonna love you like me? You’re only a fucking replacement for his old bitch that’s dead… think that nigga gonna open up and love you?” I taunted, seeing that my words triggered her.
She tried to act nonchalant, but I could see it slip the more I spoke to her. Blair had always been mine. Every time I hit her and she swore she was done, she came back, because she knew I loved her.
“Me and Quasim have nothing going on.”
“Lie to me again, Blair… go ahead, fucking lie to me again.” I threatened, wanting to fuck her up for making me go through all of this. “You see all the shit those niggas putting us through and you running with them.”
“This is your fault, Tyshawn! Every time you do something, you are quick to blame everyone else. You asked for that warwith the Delgatos and the Infernos… now you need to handle your own problems.”
I stood up and she moved away from the fridge to create even more distance between us. “You fucking mine, Blair… I don’t give a fuck what space you try to create between us… you my fucking wife.”
“Not anymore… sign those fucking papers, Tyshawn. Let me go and live my own life… leave me alone. I don’t want this anymore; you’ve taken so much from me… let me be!” She screamed at me.
Blair thought because she called it off and moved the fuck out of our house that it meant that it was over. Only reason I allowed her to rock was because she kept fucking me and I was doing my own thing. With her being back in New York, I was able to keep an eye on her ass. I was letting her get out whatever this rebellious phase she had going on. After we lost our son, I knew she was mentally going through it.
It wasn’t until she linked back up with Capri that she started singing a different tune. She started moving differently and I realized that I might be losing my bitch. When she allowed that Inferno bitch come and rescue her, in my fucking hood, I knew I had to show her that it was time to bring her ass back home.
I walked over towards her, and she grabbed a knife. “Tyshawn, I will use it this time… I swear I will.” She threatened me.
“You been away too damn long. I should break yo fucking neck for?—”
A loud knock sounded at the door and Blair looked at the door. “Police.”
I looked at her, more betrayed than anything. “You called the police on me, Bitch?”
She looked at the door and quickly ran to it before I could grab her. Snatching the door open, two NYPD officers stood there.
“Ma’am, your alert went off and the operator couldn’t hear you.”
Blair shook her head, her chest heaving up and down. “Yea…yeah… he’s not supposed to be here. I came home and he was in my home.”
The cops showing up at our door had happened plenty of times, and each time, even when the cops could see she was battered, she never told them I wasn’t supposed to be there. She defended me and allowed me to stay, even if I had beat the shit out of her.
Seeing how she stared from the police back to me, the love and fear she held in her eyes for me was gone. Blair wasn’t the same woman that I loved, and she was done with me for real. “Sir, can you step outside for us real quick. Let’s get a statement, so we can hopefully go about our night.”
“You ready to get the fuck up outta here next week?” My cellmate pulled me from my thoughts as I sat on the top bunk thinking about my wife.
The reason I had been in this bitch was because Blair called the police, and they found out I had a warrant. I’ve had to sit up because my baby called the police on me. Doing the time wasn’t the hardest part, it was hearing how Blair was out there moving.
She was really locked in with those Delgatos and Infernos now, and my cousin Rich had told me that Quasim was real sweet on her. That was before they fucking killed him and then shot up his body at his memorial.
If that wasn’t enough, I had to sit across from Quameer Inferno while he threatened my life. There wasn’t shit that I could do about it because I was in here. Now that I was cominghome, it was time for me to get my baby and settle the score. The CVs were out here with no leader, and our shit was a mess.
Soon as I came home, I was going to jump into some pussy, settle in, and then get my money and the crew back up. Then, I was coming straight for my wife. I looked at the divorce papers and laughed. Blair thought having that shit served to me while I was in here was gonna make me sign them.
Nah. A nigga was about to be free, and my wife was coming back home with me, or her ass was gonna be put in the ground – her choice.
Few months later…