Page 116 of Quasim: King Inferno
“I’m not high enough for this,” Capri yawned, as we parked on the block that we saw Quasim pull onto.
We were in her Dodge Charger because my new truck would have stood out like a sore thumb. Capri yawned again, while leaning back in her seat as we looked out for him. We saw when he parked but hadn’t seen him since he parked his car.
“It may sound crazy, but some chick Kew texted him. He wanted to run me out the restaurant, then I’m going to make sure his ass knows the same applies.”
“You really crazy for real… Quasim ain’t messing with nobody.”
“Barkey? He was all smiling up in her damn face… Capri, that man has done things to me I ain’t never had done to me… I ain’t letting up off him, so call me fucking crazy.”
Capri snickered. “The girl’s name is Berkeley. Let’s say he is meeting up with her… maybe he ending things with her like you did with Zay… By the way, I want that dress you wore on your last little date with him.”
I turned and nearly jumped out my skin. “Oh fuck!”
“What?” Capri hollered, holding her gun up in the air, as she pointed it out the window at Quasim, who was kneeled down in the window.
He was like a cat, so stealth and quiet.
I quickly put the window down. “Put the damn gun down, Pri.”
He wasn’t even rattled in the least, still his typical cool demeanor. “What the fuck you doing, Anjo? Matter fact, you gonna tell me that later… get the fuck out of here now.”
“Who is she, Quasim?”
“Who is who?”
“Kew! She sound like some exotic bitch, too… what the fuck is a Kew?”
He ran his hand down his face, as he looked at me. “Did I not just nut in you this morning? Remind me, my love… did I not?”
“Fucking eww!” Capri covered her ears, as she wished she was anywhere but between us during this conversation.
“None of that matters if you?—”
He held his hand up, silencing me as he looked past me. “It fucking matters, Blair. You think I just be busting up inanybody? Fucking and making love to anybody? Don’t piss me off.”
“It’s Anjo,” I crossed my arms and muttered.
“It’s sit fucking tight, because now I gotta worry about you in the middle of this… duck real quick.” We ducked down, as a car pulled down the block slowly, pulling a few cars in front of us on the opposite side of us. “Blaze gonna get in yo ass, too, cause what the fuck?”
“I’m riding with my girl, even though I know you not stupid enough to mess with some chick with that ugly ass name.”
Quasim was over the both of us as he looked down the street. “I’m gonna deal with you when we get back to the lake house.” I watched as he removed himself from the passenger door, and stood at full length, placing one hand into his hoodie pocket.
He moved stealthily down the block as me and Capri watched, all wrapped into what he was doing and who this bitch was.
Yes. I still thought it was some bitch with an ugly name.
I watched as Quasim walked to the car and knocked on the window. “Yo, what up, Diablo?” someone in the car called out as they extended their hand out the window. He was talking to them and then dapped them up, and went to walk away. Then, he pulled his gun out his hoodie and shot multiple times into the window.
“Oh my God… ahh,” I whispered my scream, not stupid enough to scream out loud because I didn’t know what was going on.
Capri looked at me and shook her head. “That quiet ass scream, you might as well not say nothing.”
“Sorry that I’m caught off guard.”
“This is who he is… what he does. You prepared for that, Blair? I’m Lady Inferno and that comes with a responsibility, but stepping into Queen Inferno, this is what this life is.”
We turned when we heard a motorcycle in the distance and Capri looked out the window, watching as Meer drenched the car in lighter fluid, and then swiped a match, tossing it into the car, still squirting the lighter fluid to make the fire bigger.