Page 111 of Quasim: King Inferno
“What’s that?”
“Cooking me something to eat… a nigga hungry.”
I kissed his chest. “I’m hungry, too… would have ate if someone wasn’t prank calling restaurants.” I climbed off him, and he grabbed my wrist and looked at me.
“Wasn’t no prank call, Anjo… why you think the triplets was there? Soon as Havoc walked yo ass up out of there, I would have sent my YN’s in there to torch that bitch. I don’t toss empty threats.”
I stared him down, knowing that I had given the quiet, crazy nigga some pussy, and now I had to worry about if his ass was gonna blow up a building if he saw me talking to a nigga.
You know what… hell yeah.
“Areyou coming to the lake house tomorrow?” Elijah stared into the phone, making sure I was telling the truth and would be back at the lake house.
I laughed. “Yeah. I’m coming cause I miss my homie.”
“Miss you too, Sim. Ryder went with her mom, so me and CJ been hanging.” He looked around. “No accidents.” He held up his thumb and I smiled so wide.
I didn’t need to give Gams the heads up before leaving for Bali because she already knew. “My boy… I’m proud of you.”
Changing his environment helped with him not wetting the bed. He was safe, getting as much food as he wanted, and was having fun being a child. His mama’s trifling ass hadn’t reached out and when I was home, I hadn’t seen anybody at the crib. The rent was late, too, but I didn’t stress about it since I had Elijah. I didn’t need her junkie ass trying to take him from me because she knew I had a soft spot for her son.
I hated when someone could spot a weakness of mine, and Elijah was a weakness for me. Like I would blow a block up behind Blair, I would do the same with him. With her being gone, it made me question what the fuck she was doing.
Shit, maybe she went to that Mexico rehab that she was chatting about. I knew one thing; Elijah was safer with me than being with his own mother.
“Is Ms. Blair going to come with you?”
I looked over at my baby, shaking her ass to bounce music while making me something to eat. She was in her own zone as she cut up onions and peppers. I was surprised she had that much energy with the way I wore her ass out last night.
After she made me a sandwich, I turned her ass every way but loose between that stove and fridge. Fucking Blair was like a high that I never wanted to come down from. If this was how Thea felt every time she got high, then shit, maybe I needed to apologize to her.
We spent the entire day in the bed, watching some show about people marrying people from other countries. Apparently, this was what kept her interest. When I tried to get her to watch a civil war documentary with me, she fell asleep on my chest, swearing she was watching it.
The drool on my chest said otherwise.
“Yeah… she’s going to come.”
Elijah had met Blair when she came over for dinner before the concert. She called him very handsome, which made him happy. My boy needed his confidence built up because those snotty fucks in his school teased him.
It was the reason he kept a fresh line up and new clothes since I had started looking out for him. The closet in the guest room was filled with the clothes and sneakers that I had purchased for him. Whenever he got his hair cut, or he put on a brand-new outfit, I could see his confidence grow.
“Can we go to Red Robins?”
I looked at the phone and laughed. “Where the fu… the heck did that come from?” It was hard having to learn to sensor my words around a child again.
As much as I loved my niece, I wasn’t around her enough where it was hard to sensor myself. Meer didn’t sensor himself at all, but that was just my brother. Ry knew her father was missing some sense.
“I saw a commercial and I want to try their burgers. I’ve never been there before.” He was so excited that I couldn’t let him down.
“I’m heading back tomorrow morning. We’ll go for lunch, cool?”
He cheered, then lowered his voice. “Mrs. Mina is resting so I have to keep quiet.”
My mother was over Blaze and Capri’s lake house, and Gams had been over there. Capone and Erin had been helping me out by keeping Elijah, since he and CJ had gotten real close. With Ry gone, they didn’t have nobody to boss them around or plan their activities for the day.
It took a village, and everyone stepped in to make sure he was good, and I appreciated that. “She needs a lot of rest right now… you looking out for everybody while I’m away?”