Page 89 of Only After We Met
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: I don’t understand
Why didn’t you go with them during your break?
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: RE: I don’t understand
Because it’s obvious they didn’t want me to. Rhys, it’s horrible. I feel just like I did when I was little and I had braces and everyone at school ignored me. But back then, at least Dean helped me; now it seems like he’s forgotten I exist.
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: RE: RE: I don’t understand
Dean’s an imbecile. I can’t stand you feeling like that, Ginger. I wish I could be there to help you out or tell you some jokes or make your life easier.
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: I admit it
I imagine that, you know? A parallel reality where you live in London. Your apartment’s close to mine, we get together every Friday night for dinner, and we catch up in person instead of sending emails. You’re working in some popular club, and I go there to see you sometimes, when you’re hosting a big event. Obviously this fantasy doesn’t include going to the office every day; instead I have my own independent publishing company. And I’m an elegant, self-assured woman living in the big city who is capable of saying no when she doesn’t want to do something.
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: RE: I admit it
Well, on paper it doesn’t sound bad, right, Ginger? Who knows? Maybe one day. I don’t know if I could hold up for too long in London. And I couldn’t see you just once a week. Two or three times would be better. The publishing company, though, that sounds real to me; that doesn’t sound like a fantasy at all.
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: I’ll get used to it
Whatever, it’s fine, I’ll adapt and figure it out. At least things are good at home. I love living with Donna. And Michael’s a good guy, even if he doesn’t talk much and my mom’s scared of him. The other day, he was asking about your song; I was lying in bed screaming out the lyrics to “Ginger” because I didn’t think anyone was home, and he knocked on the door and asked me who the song was by. I was all over the place when I tried to answer him, but I think he realized it was an as-yet-unknown artist (and you are that, Rhys) who was on the verge of breaking out.
How’s the project going? When will it see the light of day?
Everything will be amazing, you’ll see.
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: Dates and stuff
It launches in a week, but I guess promotion has already started. I’m glad I’m here and don’t have to be exposed to it. It’s for the best. Alexa tried to get me to go to LA with her, but I don’t know, I don’t feel like going anywhere now. I’m doing well here; it’s relaxing. I think you’d like it.
From: Ginger Davies