Page 81 of Only After We Met
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: RE: Assumptions
Since you can’t drop it, I’m going to start sending you long emails with reflections about life, what we’re going to be doing in ten years, pure romantic love that lasts forever, having kids…
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: RE: RE: Assumptions
Fine, Ginger, you win. I give up.
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: New project
You can’t begin to imagine the hangover I have. For real. My fucking head is spinning. It was a wild night. My boss came (my real boss, the one who’s usually in LA). His name’s Owen. And he wants me to be a part of a project, producing a single. I’m supposed to do the music, and his sister’s going to sing. So like a song, just by the two of us. To be honest, I had my doubts. But after five drinks, I forgot them and said yes.
I don’t know. I guess it’s weird not to have much ambition when I really do like composing, but I’m worried something might change.
Tell me how you are.
Studying, I imagine.
Good luck. You’re almost there.
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: I’ll entertain you
Since I know you’re hiding away in the library now that you’ve made it to the final stretch, I’ll entertain you a little. Everything here is the same. Owen left. He’ll be back in a few weeks with his sister, I’m supposed to play her some stuff, and we’ll see how it works out. He wants to do the song in Brisbane because it’s cheaper. At least at first. I’ll keep you informed.
Between that and work, I’ve been busy lately. I was off last night. You can’t imagine how wild Tracy was being. We ended up swimming naked at the beach, the tide dragged us out, and we took forever to find the clothes we’d left on the shore. It was fun.
Break a leg on your exams, Ginger.
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: Soooorry!!
I know, I’m the worst friend in the world, Rhys. Really sorry. You guessed right, I’m in the library 24/7 on a steady diet of crackers. But I’m happy for you! The song thing sounds amazing! For real. I don’t know, I have a good feeling about it. And obviously I want to be the first person to hear it. You’re talented, Rhys. You need to take advantage of that. Not that you don’t do so when you’re working, and I know that’s what you like, but you could get more out of it.
You can’t imagine all the nights I fall asleep listening to “Ginger.” It’s the best birthday present anyone’s ever given me.
When you tell me stories about crazy nights that end with naked swimming in the ocean, I have this feeling like we’re living on two different planets. As if you are on Mars and I am on Saturn. I envy you a little sometimes.
Kisses (for real).