Page 73 of Only After We Met
Subject: RE: Arrrrgh
Simple: put on something revealing.
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: RE: RE: Arrrrgh
You’re such a pig. Anyway, I finally found something decent, and now I’m waiting for James to come pick me up. I’ll tell you how it went.
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: Up late
I’m back. And since I can’t sleep, I ended up turning on my computer to write you. Everything went well. It turns out he was going out with a girl this whole time, and that’s why he didn’t call me after the summer. It was an ugly breakup, so I guess he’s not looking for anything serious. Me neither. It doesn’t make sense if I’m going to finish college in a few months and move away. It’s not so far away, but I’m also not into the idea. We went to a restaurant I hadn’t been to. It was fun. At least he’s not one of those guys with whom the conversation doesn’t flow. He works at a law firm, I think I told you that. I talked to him about my senior project, and he loved it. He doesn’t think it’s idealistic at all, can you believe it? Before I knew it, we had already had dessert and the place was about to close, so we took a walk and had a drink nearby. Then he walked me to the dorm.
I think I’m getting tired now…
Good night, Rhys.
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: You sure this isn’t a movie?
For real? People actually go on that kind of date? I thought you were just going to hang out for a bit. I guess I thought the classic “date” went extinct decades ago. Did he kiss you on the doorstep? I think that’s the one cliché you’re missing. It makes sense for you though.
You can’t imagine the ordeal at work yesterday.
Tracy lost it. She got up on the bar and started dancing. I don’t know when the rest of us decided that was a good idea too (we were drunk and about to close). Anyway, the bar broke.Craaack—the end. We’re all going to chip in to replace it before the big boss comes back. Luckily, he’s still in LA.
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: RE: You sure this isn’t a movie?
Yes, Rhys. There was a kiss on the doorstep. It was perfect.
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: [No subject]
Did I make you mad? I was just kidding…
I’m glad you had fun, Ginger. This James guy sounds allright. I wasn’t making fun of you, I promise. And what if I was—that’s okay, right? You like classic things. I don’t see anything wrong with that.
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: RE: [No subject]