Page 52 of Only After We Met
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: Nerves
I was kidding! Sorry I didn’t answer yesterday. I’m basically living in the library again. My address is at the end of this email. But you should know… I’m really nervous! I don’t know if I ever told you, but getting presents drives me up the wall. UP THE WALL. Like I want to know what it is that reminds you of me or that you think is right for me, and I’m scared you’ll get it just right, and I’m scared you’ll screw it up completely. No pressure though. When I was little, I used to always scour the house trying to find my Christmas gifts. Sometimes I’d make Donna and Dean help me find them. So my parents ended up hiding them at the company’s office because they were always afraid I’d open them early. (I was young when I learned Santa didn’t exist, because my birthday’s three days before Christmas, and I only got one set of presents. I know, it’s horrible, and no child deserves to go through that.)
But let’s get back to what matters.
Your job. Where to now, Rhys? If it’s Europe, maybe we could meet somewhere. There are more and more cheap flights all the time. I don’t want to seem like a stalker though. I’m not going to call you, BTW, even if I do have your number; I just like to know that you’ll be there for me if I ever do need you.
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: RE: Nerves
Okay, here’s my number then. You can call me if you want, but I like these emails. It’s the best thing when I get home, you know? Like right now: I came home, cracked open a beer, plopped down in an easy chair by the window, and opened my computer to read your message and write back. I like that this is something only the two of us share.
Oh, and I’ll hit the mark with my present. You don’t realize it, but I know you better than you think. Peeking in every corner of the house like a crazy person trying to find your presents—yeah, that sounds like you.
Will you spend your birthday at home or in the dorms?
Sorry, I won’t be coming to Europe this time. Maybe in the summer. I’m going to the other side of the world. To Australia. I needed a change…
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: The end of the earth
AUSTRALIA? That’s the literal end of the earth. I hope there’s Wi-Fi there. And that you’ll send me photos of koalas. They’re so cute. I don’t know what it is about them, but they’re fascinating, the way they evolved to hug things. Plus they’re super furry.
You’re so lucky, Rhys. Take me with you. Put me in your suitcase.
I’ve got a plan: Kidnap me. We’ll enjoy a month of vacation on a heavenly beach of white sand. Then you can ask for a ransom. My parents love me; I’m ninety-nine percent certainthey’d give a good amount of money for me. (Remember, I’m supposed to take over the family business.) With that, we can record an album, and you’ll get famous. I’ll bribe my professors so they’ll let me make up my exams, and I’ll graduate summa cum laude. Plus I’ll be in the papers because of the kidnapping. What do you think? It’s an airtight plan IMO.
Shit. I don’t want to take my exams. I don’t want to spend the winter in London. It’s cold all the time. It doesn’t matter how I dress; I always feel like an ice cube. And the sky’s always gray. And you just keep traveling back and forth from one hot, fun place to another. I hate you. A little bit.
Don’t act like you know me soooo well. I’m a mysterious girl, enigmatic. Ha ha. By the way, I’ll spend my birthday half here and half there. I’ll spend the morning here packing my bag, and then I’ll catch the train to have lunch at home. I’ll stay there for Christmas.
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: You say when
Come with me. What’s stopping you?
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: RE: You say when
Very funny, Rhys. I don’t know, maybe I have a degree to finish?For example. Not that it matters. It’s just a minor thing. Also, I need to start my job after. Just that.
From: Rhys Baker