Page 126 of Only After We Met
I made it, Rhys.
How are you? I never thought it would feel weird to be emailing you, but after the past few months, it’s hard. Funny, right? How quickly we get used to the good things. By the way, Donna says I’m so brown, I almost scared her. She didn’t recognize me! Can you believe it? Anyway, no more Amanda and Donna having the apartment to themselves. Don’t know if I told you, but Michael, the guy I caught jerking off, left a few weeks ago. We have to talk about it, but maybe we won’t get another roommate. We’ll see. Honestly being by ourselves would rule.
I don’t know what else to tell you. I’m still kind of out of it…
I have the feeling that if I open the curtains, I’ll see the blue sea in the distance, but nope—back to reality; all I see is the street out front. It was nice, Rhys, as you know. I don’t think anything could ever top what we lived together.
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: Come on…
Are you mad? Rhys, come on.
I miss you…
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: [No subject]
It’s been two weeks. How long are you going to go without talking to me? What happened to “friends forever”? Rhys, I get it that you are mad that I left without saying goodbye, but it was better for both of us. For me especially. Can’t you understand that?
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: [No subject]
At least pick up the phone. You’re turning this month into hell for me. But whatever. You do you. I won’t bother you again. When you stop acting like a whiny little boy, you know where I am.
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: Busy
Ginger… I needed to catch my breath. I’m just having fun and getting through what’s left of the summer. Remember when wewere talking about having a three-way? Yeah, so I was wrong. I didn’t remember how fucking great it was. Ending up at home with two chicks and enjoying myself like it was nothing. No complications. So easy…those are the things that are really worth it in life. Easy. Maybe I can show you next time.
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: I’m sorry
Fuck. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
I don’t know what I was thinking…
Ginger, pick up the phone. Please.
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: I’m sorry