Page 4 of Ciao Bella
“Nothing says that we can’t go separately,” said Antoine.
“No,” said Trak resolutely. “No. We go together. They might not say it, but the wives like being around one another. They thrive on the support that they get from one another. They need it.”
“Okay. Okay, Trak is right,” said Nine. “Tomorrow, let’s try to figure out some dates and see what we can come up with. Do we all agree a Valentine’s trip is what we’re shooting for?”
“Agreed,” said the men.
“Agreed to what?” asked Erin, smirking at the men.
“Oh, that we’re going to try and take fewer cases this year,” said Nine. Erin stared at them, then burst out laughing. “Is that funny?”
“Babe, I’ve known you forever. None of you are going to stop doing what you’re doing. Don’t worry. We understand, and we love y’all anyway. Oh, gosh, you guys are so cute sometimes. Fewer cases and missions,” she laughed. “That’s just too funny. Dinner’s almost ready. Please get washed up.”
Erin walked away, stopping to speak with Grace, Faith, Lauren, Alexandra, and Noelle. As she spoke, the women broke into laughter, shaking their heads as they stared at the men.
“They really don’t believe we’ll slow down,” said Nine.
“I wouldn’t believe it either,” said Gaspar. “We’ve made that promise a million times over the years and look at us now. We have more cases, more requests, more jobs than ever before. We lied to them. All of them, and I don’t like it one bit.”
“Same,” said Trak. “I always said I would be honest with Lauren about everything. This is the only thing I’ve ever lied to her about, and I didn’t even realize I was lying to her. I thought I was doing something that would protect her. She deserves this trip and so much more.” Ian nodded at all the men.
“Then I say we make this one helluva trip.”
“I can’t believe they’re actually taking us on a trip!” exclaimed Lena.
“Let’s hold our breath until we see the tickets,” smirked Lauren. “They want to plan this by themselves, and Valentine’s Day is only a few weeks away.”
“They do look like they’re suffering, don’t they?” smirked Erin. The women laughed as they walked away, leaving Ruby and Irene at the table.
“What are those boys doin’?” asked Ruby, staring at the men seated around the fire. Irene laughed, shaking her head.
“Those poor fools are tryin’ to plan a trip to Italy by themselves. I swear I raised smart boys, but right now, I’m feelin’ like a failure.”
“Maybe we should offer some help,” grinned Ruby.
“Let’s give ‘em a few more minutes of sufferin’. Then, we’ll help them do it all, give them the perfect trip, and I can tell Gaspar about the new animals on the island.”
“Irene,” laughed Ruby, rocking back, “I swear sometimes your evil and goodness are a strange mixture.”
“I know,” she smiled. “It’s what makes my husband love me so much.”
“He loves you because you’re a good woman. The best I know.”
“Ditto, Ruby. Ditto.” She looked up to see Gaspar, Nine, Tailor, and Dex walking toward them.
“Alright, Mama. We know that you know what we’re trying to do. Please. Will you please help us?” he asked. “I don’t want the girls to have to do anything.”
“Gaspar, you know I’ll always help my babies,” she smiled with an evil twist of her lips. “Course, you have to agree to not lose your cool about any animals I bring to the island while you’re gone.”
“See, that’s what I’m talkin’ about. You get all bothered and start yellin’ at folks. The animals feel that energy and don’t like it at all.” Gaspar took in a deep breath as Nine and the others stared at him. If he wasn’t mistaken, they were enjoying this way too much.
“Alright, Mama. I won’t yell about any new animals as long as they’re not predators.”
“Mama, that’s my condition.” Irene looked at Ruby, giving a knowing wink and smile.