Page 38 of Ciao Bella
“Yeah, yeah, sure,” said Sara, staring at all the women.
“Well, it’s a long drive back,” said Enzo. “Perhaps we get started, and we can stop at a few small places on the way.” Gaspar gripped the young man’s shoulders, smiling.
“Lead the way, my man.”
Enjoying the travels, they decided to extend their stay in Florence for one more night. Enzo rescheduled the visit to the museum, allowing the women to feel good about lengthening their stay.
He made sure to show them Modena, Bologna, Montepiano, and Chianti. When they returned to Rome, they visited Pienza and Ronciglione. It was another day of food, wine, shopping, and the four lost boys following the women like puppies.
When they went their separate ways early that morning, the men were like children heading to the Ferrari Museum and track. It wasn’t just Alec and Tailor that wouldn’t fit in the car. It turned out that only Ivan fit.
“This is maybe not a car for men like you,” said the museum director, laughing.
“No, I don’t think it is,” smirked Gaspar. “It’s alright. My wife wouldn’t like me to have something that moves this fast. Besides, in our line of work, we need something a bit more practical.”
“Ah, I see,” he nodded. “Well, let me show you something we are developing.”
He led the men through the museum and toward the track behind them. When they arrived, they were surprised to see two pickup trucks racing. As they made the last curve, passing in front of the men, they were shocked to see the Ferrari logo on them.
“Those are Ferraris?” Gaspar was completely shocked.
“They are,” smiled the man. “We know that it will not be for everyone, but perhaps some will want speed and function. We will try to make it more beautiful eventually, but for now, it’s faster than any truck in the world.”
“That’s incredible,” said Tailor. “Is the cab big enough for a man like me?”
“Let’s find out,” he smiled. He waved the trucks down, and they stopped, the two drivers getting out of the vehicles. The men oohed and ahhed, looking at the interiors and the engines. Finally, the director opened the door for Tailor.
“Please. Let’s test it out,” he smiled.
“It’s your equipment,” laughed Tailor. He pushed the seat as far back as possible and gently slid his body into the seat. It wasn’t a perfect fit, but he could drive it if necessary.
“That’s actually not as bad as I thought it would be,” said Alec.
“It’s really not. I’d bruise the fuck out of my knees if I slammed on the brakes, but I could drive it,” said Tailor. “Maybe another five or six inches away from the steering column, and it would be perfect.”
“Do you think this type of vehicle would sell in America?” asked the man.
“Well, with a few modifications, we might be interested in purchasing a couple for our business,” said Nine. “It would need to have a bigger cab, as Alec and Tailor said. Maybe more height to it, but the speed really intrigues me. We might want to reinforce the panels as well.”
“Reinforce the panels? Bulletproof?” frowned the man.
“We are a security agency,” said Nine. “Sometimes, bullets come our way.”
“Ah,” nodded the man. “Yes, we have a call for such things here sometimes. We still have organized crime and gangs who wish to have these things on their vehicles. We could do that for you. Come, let me introduce you to our engineering team.”
“This is turning out to be one helluva field trip,” grinned Gaspar. “I hope the girls are enjoying theirs.” Nine nodded, laughing at his friend.
“I’m sure they are.”
“Professor Petronomi? I am Enzo. My Uncle Aldo spoke to you,” smiled the young man. The older man looked at him, then looked up to see the thirty beautiful women behind him.
“He did. He did not mention that you were bringing beauty queens to the museum.” Enzo laughed, nodding at him.
“Yes, they are all beautiful and all married, professor. Uncle mentioned that we could look at the steps.”
“Of course, follow me. This is a very unusual request,” he said as he walked down the long corridors. “The stairs were quite loose when the renovations were happening. The team decided to preserve the rare pink granite. They would move that section and preserve it here. The intention was always to move them back, but someone made the decision to replace them with copies.”