Page 29 of Ciao Bella
“How could you know all of that?” asked Baptiste.
“Rome is big. A big, dirty city. But we are connected, and I made sure that you went to places that I was connected to so I could watch out for you. Father Nicholas said it would be a personal favor to ensure that you were alright. So, I followed you.”
“Why didn’t you just join us?” asked Nine.
“I didn’t want to intrude,” he shrugged.
“Enzo, please join us. Come with us to Tuscany and enjoy the next few days with us. Don’t work. Don’t cook. Just guide us, and we would be grateful,” said Nine.
“Please come,” said Erin. “I would love to have you with us.” Enzo smiled at the group, nodding.
“I would be honored to be surrounded by such beauty,” he grinned. “I will tell Uncle Aldo and go home to pack. I will meet you here in the morning.”
He ran off toward the kitchens, and they could hear him speaking to his uncle, laughing. In many ways, he seemed like a young, naïve boy. In others, he was a grown man with tremendous responsibility. Whichever one showed up for them tomorrow would be welcomed.
“Well,” said Miller, “I’d say that’s our sign to get some sleep.”
“Couldn’t agree more,” said Whiskey. He grabbed his wife’s hand and walked toward the steps, then turned. “In case I haven’t said it, working with all of you has been the greatest honor of my professional career. But being a part of this family means more to me than anything in the world. I love and appreciate you all.”
The group of men started to lift their middle fingers, and Whiskey chuckled, shaking his head. Then, in unison, they yelled out.
From their villa outside of Rome to Tuscany was three and a half hours of driving through narrow roads, small Italian villages and towns, and some of the most magnificent scenery any of them had ever seen before.
They stopped for coffee and a full breakfast when they reached their halfway point. It took forever for everyone to get their food, but in the end, they realized they were in no hurry. Grateful that Enzo was with them, he navigated the Italian ordering system, half the time sounding as if he were angry, the other half laughing with the servers.
“Enzo, we’re so glad you came with us,” said Mary.
“Grazi, bella. I am glad I am here as well. You are wonderful people,” he smiled. “If I may suggest an unscheduled stop, I think you would enjoy visiting Siena. It will delay us a few hours, but you will not regret it.”
“I’m with the expert,” smiled Bull.
“SeñorBull,” smiled Enzo, “there is nothing that the Italians love more than a good song. Will you grace all the people here at the restaurant?”
Bull stared at the dozens of people seated beneath the olive trees eating their breakfast. Many were locals, but there were more tourists as well. He looked at Lily who only shrugged, smiling at her husband.
“I don’t know a lot of Italian songs, but how about ‘Funicular Up, Funicular Down’?” he smiled at the young man.
“This is a favorite!” he said excitedly. “Every Italian knows this song. Please, señor.”
Bull nodded, happy to give the young man something. As he started the song, the waiters, chefs, and passersby all stopped, encircling their group. When the chorus started, Bull waved for everyone to join in. The entire team clapped, singing along with him. Even Trak.
The roar of applause echoed throughout the restaurant, inside and out, as people begged for another song. Bull decided to sing one more, one that Amanda wrote for them. He had no idea it was a big hit in Italy as well. That’s when people recognized the voice and who he was.
Flooded with requests for autographs and photos, he graciously complied. Something he’d never done before.
On their way to Siena, Bull turned to Enzo, grinning.
“You planned that,” he smirked.
“I had hoped you would grace us with a song,” he said, smiling at the older man. “Your music has carried me through many tough times. When my parents died, and I was left with Uncle Aldo, I listened to your music with Amanda. It made my heart better.”
“That makes it all worthwhile, Enzo. Thank you for telling me that.” Lily gripped his hand, kissing his cheek.
“One of the millions of reasons that I love you.”