Page 15 of Ciao Bella
“Yep,” she nodded. “I adore Doug, and I loved Grip. He was perfect for Doug, and it always puzzled me as to why he wouldn’t tell all of you about their relationship.”
“It damn sure puzzled us as well,” said Luc. “He saved Montana’s life, and I won’t ever be able to repay that. I wish I could.”
“They had their reasons,” said Nine. “It never changed the way I felt, the way I feel, about Grip. He’s a brother, just like Doug. Always will be.”
“See. See, that’s the kind of ‘coincidences’ that are too easy,” said Savannah. “Grip stands in front of a bullet that saves Montana, the woman that Luc falls in love with. I come to Grip’s funeral and meet Rafe. Not exactly love at first sight.”
“It was for me,” smirked Rafe. She cocked her head, looking down at her full chest. “What? Yes, I loved your breasts. Sue me. But I loved you too.”
“I believe you,” she smiled. “It took me longer, just from my experiences. Although coming after me in a jungle filled with drug lords was probably extreme to show your love. It did work. But that’s my point. It was all connected. All of us. Lily to Montana to Luc to Grip to Doug to me to you.”
“I get it,” said Gaspar. “I think we all get it. Whatever voodoo fairy dust my mother spreads seems to reach all of us. I don’t know why I complain so much about it. It usually ends well for us. Even the damn animals.”
“The damn animals are providing an additional benefit for us,” said Erin. “Aspiring veterinarians and wildlife specialists are learning about the species up close and personal. Semu, Alvin, all of them are making an impact on the world around us.”
“And just how will the two grizzlies impact the world?” asked Gaspar with a snide grin.
“Oh, that I can’t answer. All I know is that if they’re there, on our property, they have a purpose, and I’m okay not understanding the purpose.”
“I’m getting there,” sighed Gaspar. “It might take me another twenty years or so, but I’m getting there.”
“Well, in fairness, your mother is a lot to ‘get.’ I mean, that’s a formidable woman for anyone, let alone her eldest child, eldest son, whom she’s put a lot of pressure on. She connects our lives in ways that none of us will ever understand,” said Dex.
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right. How did she connect your life? I mean, we knew you from the days of the Teams,” said Gaspar.
“She brought me to Belle Fleur.”
“She what?” frowned Gaspar.
“You guys were working that case on the animal abuse, dogs, horses, and that wolf. I got an e-mail saying that you could use some help. Turns out it was from an I. Robicheaux. I thought it was one of the damn brothers, not your mom.”
“We thought you just showed up. That you knew that we were working on something that interested you,” smirked Gaspar.
“Nope. Well, that’s not entirely true. I did know that you were working on it, but I knew from the e-mail writer. Your mother. Then, in walks your sister,” said Dex, shaking his head as he kissed Marie. “I’ll never forget seeing her, being blown away by her. Your mom sure thought it was funny how I was reacting to her. ‘Dex, could you run this to Marie?’ ‘Dex, do you mind sitting by Marie?’ The fucking CIA should hire your mother.”
“She always means well,” smiled Marie. “Besides, it got us together and ensured that my ex-husband was no longer in the picture at all.”
“That is true,” he nodded. “Come to think of it, she also convinced Tristan to ask Jean to show Ro around the property and the city.”
“That she did,” smirked Jean. “Poor Tristan was nervous as shit when he asked me, but I knew Mama had put him up to it. Ro was a mystery. Rude as shit with me at first.”
“I didn’t know you!” she exclaimed. “Besides, you were awfully nosey.”
“I was nosey because that’s what we do, and you were hiding shit,” he grinned, kissing her sweetly. “Another case of figuring out how our personal lives intertwined with business. Finding all the related fraud and how it came back to us wasn’t coincidence.”
“No, it wasn’t, but I was thrilled to be in your arms and near my brother and sister,” smiled Ro.
“Somewhere inside of me, I always knew that my first marriage wasn’t going to work out. She made me leave the Army, didn’t want that stress any longer, and she wasn’t keen about me spending so much time with my brothers.”
“That damn sure should have been the big warning signal,” smirked Ghost.
“Oh, believe me, Mama had her opinions known about it as well. She told me we should have a long engagement. I’m just glad that we didn’t have any children while we were married, although she never wanted them.”
“I hate that for you,” frowned Ro. “You would have been an amazing father.”
“I’m an amazing uncle…”