Page 46 of Child In Jeopardy
Lana sat there, staring at her phone as if trying to process, well, everything. They’d gotten so much information over the past two days and had been attacked twice. And even after all that, they still didn’t know if Taylor had actually been Buck’s accomplice or if she’d been set up. Heck, they didn’t even know if the accomplice had anything to do with the attacks. They weren’t exactly at square one in the investigation, but it felt like it.
The sound Lana made was of pure frustration, and Slater went to her. It wasn’t a smart move, but he sat down next to her and put his arm around her.
“You believe what your mother said?” Slater asked.
“I don’t know. I want to believe her, but that’s not the same thing.”
No, it wasn’t, and he was glad she understood that. Glad that she could try to look at all of this with some objectivity. He rethought that, though, when she looked at him, and he saw no trace of that objectivity in her eyes. It was a mix of weariness, fatigue and...resignation.
Slater understood all three of those emotions. Because he was feeling them himself. The first two, the weariness and fatigue, were because of the attacks and the investigation. But the third, that was all about this intensity between them on a personal level. The attraction.
The need.
Yeah, it was all that and more, and even though it would have been easy to blame it on the sense of urgency and immediacy caused by the danger, it was more than that. Maybe it always had been but they’d managed to keep a leash on it.
The leash was gone now.
Slater could see that, too, in Lana’s eyes as she stood, dropped both the baby monitor and her phone onto the bed and went to him. Before she even made it to him, they were reaching for each other.
Their mouths immediately met, and this was no gentle, soothing kiss. This was all about the need. All about that urgency. And there was no leash in sight that could contain this. Even more, Slater didn’t want to contain it, and it was obvious that Lana felt the same way.
He couldn’t say which of them deepened the kiss. It seemed to happen at the exact second, and with that same intensity, that was swirling around them. Her taste roared through him, but there was no time to savor it. No. The need was too strong for that. The savoring would have to happen later. This was all about sating that need that just wouldn’t stop.
Her arms went around him, and he slid his around her waist, pulling them body to body. Until they were pressed against each other. Of course, that only amplified everything, especially since the hungry kiss continued.
Somehow with Lana still in his arms, Slater made it to the door to close it and lock it so they would have some privacy to finish this. With the baby just next door, there was always the possibility of an interruption if Cameron woke up, and if he did, they would hear him on the baby monitor. For now, though, they just focused on this, on being together.
The kissing somehow managed to become even more fierce, and that urged on some touching. He slid his hand over her bottom, cupping her, and pressing her against his erection. Lana did her share of touching, too, and ran her hands over his back, her fingers digging into him.
It didn’t take long for them to start grappling to get out of their clothes. This had to happen much faster than either of them wanted, but they went with the breakneck pace. Slatercaught on to her top, pulling it off over her head and tossing it aside so he could kiss her breasts. In the back of his mind, he knew he would like to savor this part of her even more, but this was going to be a situation where foreplay happened afterward.
Lana rid him of his shirt, too, but first she had to remove his shoulder holster. No easy feat, and Slater had to stop the kissing and touching for a couple of seconds while he helped her with that. Finally, though, they both had their shirts off, and to complete the skin-to-skin contact, he eased off her bra.
Despite the need demanding release, Slater took a moment to kiss her neck. And then her stomach. Of course, that only fueled the heat even more until Lana was pulling him toward the bed. Her back landed on the soft mattress, and he landed on top of her. He hadn’t thought it possible, but the heat went up even more, and the battle began to get out of the rest of their clothes.
He wanted her naked, now, and obviously Lana had the same idea. Slater had to move off her so she could undo his belt. Again, not easy since their hands were frantic now, so he helped her with that as well and was thankful that getting her out of her jeans was a much simpler process. He slid them off her. Her panties, too. And soon he had his hands and mouth on a naked Lana.
She was beautiful, of course. Everything he’d expected and more. More because she moved with him as if they’d been born to be in sync with each other.
“Condom,” he managed to mutter, and Slater took the one from his wallet before Lana tossed his jeans and boxers onto the floor. He was pretty sure they landed somewhere near Lana’s jeans and panties.
“Now,” she insisted.
And that’s exactly what he gave her once he had on the condom. Slater pushed into her, feeling the slam of intense pleasure that nearly robbed him of his breath. He apparentlydidn’t need breath to finish this, though, because Lana lifted her hips, starting the thrusts inside her.
The pleasure built. And built. Until Slater could feel the freight train of pressure roaring through him. He silently cursed that he couldn’t hang on to the pleasure, but Lana couldn’t hold on, either. Her climax rippled through her, clamping on to him and forcing him to let go.
Slater gathered her into his arms and gave in to the heat. He gave in to Lana.
LANALAYONthe guest bed and waited for Slater to come out of the adjoining bathroom. Thankfully, her body was still buzzing from pleasure so she hadn’t delved into any thoughts or regrets. She simply let herself stay slack while she kept her gaze pinned to the baby monitor.
Cameron was still asleep. For how long, Lana didn’t know. Apparently, some newborns defied the cliché of sleeping like a baby, and Lana had learned in her very short time with him that sleep could last as little as an hour or stretch to three or four. That meant she had to be ready to get up and give him a bottle, which was the reason she’d put back on her clothes after Slater had gone in for the pit stop in the bathroom.
The nanny and Joelle had both offered to take the night shift for her so she could get some sleep, but Lana had declined. She needed to get used to Cameron’s unpredictable routine, which was her new normal. Or rather it would be her normal once the investigation was finished.
Whenever that would be.
Lana shoved that aside, too, and concentrated on hanging on to her buzz. Slater helped with that by coming out of the bathroom. Unlike her, he was naked, and he certainly madean amazing picture walking toward her. His lanky body had just the right amount of muscles. His face, the right amount of character to prevent him from being an outright pretty boy.