Page 45 of My Mate
Joanna didn’t get to finish because Casey had moved, and she had done so at a speed that surprised Dex. She wrapped her fingers around Joanna’s throat, once again cutting her off.
“Why don’t we see?” Casey asked, and with a strength that took him by surprise, she threw Joanna across the forest.
He watched as Joanna hit one of the trees, and the force of it made the tree shake. The other woman fell to the ground, and clearly was taken aback by Casey’s strength.
There was no match for her. Even before Joanna could attack, Casey was there, blocking her, keeping her back.
He tried to free himself from the bindings.
“What is happening?” Joanna asked.
Casey held onto Joanna’s throat and lifted her in the air, and that was when he saw her start to transition. It was one of the most beautiful sights in the world. There was no pain, just a merging of Casey with her wolf.
His father had said it was rare with the wolves. That it did take some time for them to get used to their wolves, that voice that spoke to them.
Then, Dex remembered the other night. Casey asked who had said that. There had been moments it looked like she could hear something, but it was only her that was able to hear anything.
She’d been hearing her wolf.
“I haven’t been going to the diner. I haven’t drunk anything from you.”
“Casey, don’t,” Klaus said, suddenly coming toward them. Hot on his tail was Lucinda, who instantly saw what had happened to Dex, and she waved her hand, freeing him.
Dex rushed toward Casey.
“She tried to kill Dex,” Casey said. “She cannot be allowed to live.”
“That decision is for the pack,” Klaus said. “These are our laws, and trust me, she is going to be severely punished for what she has done, but her death will not be on your hands.”
Dex looked toward his mate. Her rage was so acute. He didn’t know if there was going to be any way for Casey to stop what she was going to do.
Joanna had tried to ruin her life. The other woman had clearly thought that if she stopped Casey from being able to transition, Dex would turn his back on her. That was never going to happen.
Casey was his soulmate. His reason for breathing. His reason for everything. He loved her with his whole being.
“Casey,” Dex said.
She turned to look at him. She hadn’t fully transitioned but she wanted to. He saw it. Her wolf was so close to the surface.
“For me, it has always been you. Nothing and no one isgoing to change that.”
Seconds passed and he stared into her eyes.
“I love you,” he said.
“I love you too.”
Casey was a strong woman as she turned off her wolf and slowly lowered Joanna to the ground. He saw her give the other woman’s throat a final good squeeze, and then she let her go.
Klaus was there, as was his mom, along with Lucinda.
“I’ll deal with this,” Klaus said.
Lucinda gave them the update about everything that had happened. How Joanna had been obsessed with Dex, but it had been that of a small girl crush, but also how she had used her and Lucinda’s friendship to hide what she had been doing.
“It will never happen again,” Lucinda said.
“That doesn’t mean you have to leave,” Dex said.