Page 23 of My Mate
“I guess, but it is not going to happen.”
“How come?”
Dex sighed. He wondered if he should tell her about the price his father had paid. No one else knew. Casey was his mate, and she needed to know there was going to be a price for anything she asked of Lucinda. He still understood the witch’s vague warning, and he didn’t like it.
He told her everything his father had told him, not leaving anything out.
“Wow,” Casey said, by the time he was finished.
“Yeah, wow.”
“Your parents, I can’t believe they did that for the love of the pack, for everyone.”
“No one knows,” Dex said. “They felt they were lucky they got me. I could have been the price they had to pay.”
“I see what you mean, but wow. It makes you wonder why anyone ever does any kind of magic.”
She laughed.
“You’re not tempted?” he asked.
“I mean, I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a slight bit of temptation. Yeah, I’m tempted, especially on nights like this. I mean, think about it, Dex. Fifty, sixty, a hundred years, and we might not ever get the chance to run again.”
Dex reached out and cupped her cheek. “Stop it,” he said. “Even if we don’t get a chance to run together as wolves I’d run side by side with you as a human, every single day.”
Casey smiled. “You would?”
“Yeah, but I’m thinking I need to make some terms and conditions.”
This made her laugh. “What kind of terms?”
“No matter what, you have to be completely naked when we do this.”
“Oh, wow.”
“Yeah, and afterward, I get to make love to you, no matter what,” he said. “What do you think?”
“I think I like these terms and conditions. Deal.”
She held her hand out, which he took, but he also pulled her in close and took possession of her lips. He loved her lips, and he’d also come to realize he loved kissing her, and he didn’t want to ever stop.
She moaned his name, and he swallowed it down.
Casey broke the kiss first, and he watched as she put hermug of soup to the side, and then took his from out of his hand.
“Why don’t we start that tradition today?” she asked, grabbing the edge of his sweater and pulling it up over her head and tossing it to the side.
“It’s freezing.”
“I don’t care. I just know I’d love to run with you. To be with you.” She stopped trying to undress herself and cupped his face. “We’re together. We’re going to be mates. I don’t see a reason for us to fight it anymore.”
She kissed him hard and then pulled away, getting to her feet. He watched as he removed her clothes with speed, and then she stood before him completely naked. He’d not seen her like this before. Her full tits looked heavy, with tight, hard nipples pointing out. He wanted her. His cock sprang into action, the fullness pressing against the front of his jeans.
“Come on, Dex, why don’t you catch me?” she said, and with that she took off.
Dex got to his feet, and he didn’t quite know how he removed his clothes, only that within seconds they were on the floor, and he was completely naked and ready to chase.