Page 20 of Emergence: Prequel
“Of course, Dad,” Rosie smiled shyly at Roman, who’d gone stiff at her words. Her face fell when she noticed, “I’m sorry; I don’t have to call you that if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“Oh, sweetheart, no,” Roman reached for her and tugged her into his arms. “There’s nothing I’d like more, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to.”
Rosie tilted her head up, “I want to; you’ve been more of a dad to me in the last few months than mine was the whole of my life. I’d like to call a man I respect Dad. I stopped calling mine by that name when I was ten because he didn’t deserve the title.”
Tears immediately filled my eyes, and I blinked hard when my gaze met Emily’s and then drifted over to Lizzie, who’d come over when the trucks had arrived. Both were blinking rapidly, trying to stop the tears from welling. In the end, I gave up and let them flow. I prayed Roman didn’t hurt my baby girl’s heart and should have known better.
“Sweetheart, I’m honoured that you’d want to call me that. I’ll do my best to live up to the title. Being a dad wasn’t something I’d ever thought I’d have the chance to be; I’m stoked, sweetie.” He tilted his head towards me to get my reaction. “I love you,” I mouthed.
Clearing his throat, he tilted Rosie’s head back and kissed her temple before hugging her tight, “Other than the day your mom agreed to go out with me, this has been the best day yet.”
“Finally,” Lizzie hooted, lightening the atmosphere. “It took you long enough. I’m finally an aunt. I’ve gone from zero to four all in one day. Talk about being an overachiever, big brother. Now stop hogging them and introduce me to my new niece and nephew.”
Once introductions were made, Ford had to go through another uncomfortable-for-him embrace. The look of resignation on his face had me biting back a chuckle. We finally got everyone unpacked and settled into rooms. Red took Emily to the cottage behind his house along with a few prospects to get her unpacked.
Supper that night was chaotic but so good. Even with what had happened to the girls yesterday and the ramifications of what that meant for the club going forward, it was a good night.
I fell into bed that night exhausted but happy, snuggling into Roman’s side with my head on his chest. Threading his hand through my hair, he massaged my scalp, and I sank further into him as I relaxed.
“It’s been a good day,” he spoke softly into the darkness. “Rosie calling me Dad meant more to me than she knows. I’ll try not to fuck it up.”
Kissing his chest, I reassured him, “There’s nothing you could do to fuck it up, honey, trust me. What she said was true; what you’ve done and are doing for her is more than Grudge did whenhe was around. You’re doing fine, and you always will, because you care, and it shows. Now, kiss me; I have a feeling the next few days are going to be hectic.”
“With pleasure,” he rumbled, pulling gently on my hair to angle my head up to him as he took my mouth in a demanding kiss. Rolling onto my back, I took him with me. A small sigh of satisfaction left me as he nudged at my opening and thrust gently into me, hips rocking almost lazily as we enjoyed each other, soft caresses, kisses, and gentle thrusts until we couldn’t hold back the tide that swept over us as we came.
The happiness of yesterday was a dim memory as I watched my brothers file into Church so that I could update them on the trafficking situation as well as tell them about Ford.
For the trafficking, I’d been in touch with our FBI contacts, and while they’d assured me they were aware of what was going on and were investigating the situation, they were close to putting an end to it. I wasn’t sure if I believed him or not. I was cautioned about getting involved.
Like I’d told him, we’d stay out of it until they came for us; then all bets were off.
Once everyone was seated, I picked up the gavel and started the meeting.
“Right, I wanted to update you all on a few things that have happened since our last Church. As previously discussed, Hard-Drive found a fuck-tonne of information that the FBI had no clue about.
“I’ve spoken to our contact in the FBI, and they know about the ring. He’s assured me that they are close to breaking it up. I’m not sure if I believe him or not, even if he’s always been truthful. For now, we’re going to stick to the plan of keeping a back seat but helping where we can until they’re arrested.
“I’ve told my contact they need to sort it sooner than later because I’m not having traffickers fucking around in ourbackyard, not with our families at risk. He assured me it would be done. Are you all still good with waiting?”
“Did they say how long we’d be waiting for?” Red asked.
I shook my head, “Fuck no, you know what they’re like. I told him he had a month and then we’d start pulling strings and live with the consequences. Apparently, they’re bringing in some hot-shot team who specialise in this type of operation.
“Either way, the fuckers need to get out of this town; my girls need to feel safe, and they don’t. Rosie’s talking about not going back to school and finishing what she can online, and frankly, I’m all for that.”
Cash nodded in agreement, “I hear you, brother. It’s something to think about.”
“What are we going to do about the fucknuts that put their hands on Rosie? They can’t get away with it,” Tinman growled, hands clenched, well aware that things could have gone badly for the girls.
“I’m coming to that, brother. What most of you don’t know is that yesterday, we went over to say thanks to the kid, Ford, who’d helped them. We had a pretty big surprise when we met him; between him and Kyle, they’ve got a plan on how to sort the fuckheads out. Before I get to that, though, yesterday Dad and I found out that Ford is likely Chains’ son.”
Shocked murmurs rose from around the table. Holding up my hand when I could see questions rising, “You’ll see when you meet him why. Yesterday was a big day for the Ivor family; not only did Stacey agree to be my Old Lady—”
I was stopped from continuing as my brothers let out a roar at my news, feet stamping and fists pounding on the table. This right here was why I loved the brotherhood. A grin split my faceat their reaction; I’d always known that Stacey was well liked, but I’d not realised quite how much they liked her.
I let them carry on for a bit before I whistled to settle them down. Once they were quiet again, I continued, “Not only did I get an Old Lady, I got two daughters and two sons.” Seeing their puzzled looks, I continued to explain, “Rosie and Kyle are mine because of Stacey, but I’m also claiming Ford and his sister, Poppy. We moved them into my home yesterday. Emily, the woman they considered their grandmother, moved into the cottage behind Red. I’ll introduce them all after Church. We’re going to have a barbecue this weekend to celebrate Stacey and the kids.”