Page 34 of Heartless Sinner
He presses his lips in displeasure. “Not even him.”
I don’t know what the hell is going on between Brahm and his father, but it’s not good. Their relationship broke down well before the attack in Boston.
“Everyone who was at the meeting last night except you, your father, and me has the single motive that the blueprints can bring them a fortune if they get their hands on it.”
I chuckle. “And how do I know it’s not you? Don’t you want a fortune?”
“I have enough. Money doesn’t make me happy.”
“Brahm Delarosa, you are one mysterious motherfucker.”
“So are you, Micah. You’re just better at hiding it.” he smirks and nods. I don’t argue because he’s right. “I’ll keep working on the hacker situation. It gives me something to do other than the boring as fuck work my father thinks will keep me occupied.”
They take care of the company security and finances, so I get it. That will be boring for someone like Brahm who likes being outdoors and getting his hands dirty.
My phone buzzes with a security alert in the corner of the room. I remember it being in my pants pocket. Brahm gets an alert at the same time.
We both look at each other before he grabs his phone.
“The chip’s been stolen,” he says, brows knitted as he looks at the home screen.
I rush toward the bed and get my phone as well. The alert is from Vincent, head of security, and he sent a video link.
“Let’s watch the footage.” I switch on the flat screen on the wall and air drop the link so Brahm and I can both watch it.
One click, and the footage fills my monitor with the security timestamp ticking in the corner. 12:15 PM. That was fifteen minutes ago.
The footage is from the internal system built into the suite. We anticipated that the hacker would have the main systems switched off.
My jaw locks as I watch a dainty figure dressed in a black hooded sweatshirt slip into the suite. Within two seconds, I know that’s not a man. It’s a woman, and while I can’t see her face, I can tell she’s nervous from the tremor in her hands.
She moves cautiously. A clear amateur.
When she turns and looks behind her, right into the camera, my stomach plummets, falling through the earth.
I stare back at her face in dumbfounded disbelief.
Those curvy lips. Those sultry green eyes. Those delicate fingers that touch her cheek.
No way. It can’t be.
But it is.
What the fuck?
“Micah, isn’t that the girl you?—”
Brahm stops talking when I cut him a hard stare. I return my gaze back to the footage and watch her work her way toward my vault.
I lean closer, refusing to blink as she keys in the password on the panel on the wall and the vault opens.
Those delicate fingers that mapped my scars grab the chip, which then disappears into her pocket before she looks around in that nervous manner and ghosts back the way she came.
The next second sees her walking through the door—leaving.