Page 49 of Echoes of Obsession
He suddenly stops talking and points to his lips.
Are you okay?
I understood that part.
I nod my head and wipe away the tears that keep falling.
I’m on my way.
I understood that, too.
Nodding, I hang up the phone and run to the front door. I need to pay close attention to see if it vibrates when the ambulance people knock.
I can see Mommy from where I’m standing, and she’s finally stopped shaking. Sky is licking her face again, and I hope that means she will wake up soon.
It might sound silly, but I can actually see the door vibrate the second someone knocks on it. I rush to open it and jump up and down when I see the ambulance man.
“Where?” he asks, and I run to Mommy’s room.
I stand in the corner while the team works on Mommy. I try asking if she’s going to be okay, but no one can understand me, and I won’t talk in front of them. But I can see Mommy’s chest moving as she breathes, and Sky is standing calmly beside the ambulance bed.
One of the ladies reaches her hand out for me, and I shake my head.
My new daddy is coming to save me, lady, I tell her in my head. I’m not going anywhere until he gets here.
I count to 100 four times and when I get to number sixteen on the fifth round, he comes running through the door.
I run from my corner and jump into my new daddy’s arms. My butt hurts when he tucks one of his arms under it, but I don’t dare make a sound. I don’t want him to put me down.
Everything will be alright now. I just know it.
Chapter Twelve
“I’ll be fine at my apartment, Ghost,” I say for the millionth time.
“Babe, you’ll be lucky if I ever let you leave my sight again,” he says. “You’re coming home with me. I will drop you off at home with Dove and Ma while I finish up something at the Cage, then I’m off all next week, and we will both spend that time at home relaxing.”
Knowing I won’t win and not really wanting to, I try to reason with him just a little.
“Alright. How about you drop me off at my apartment while you do what you need to do? That will give me time to pack what Sky, Zoe, and I might need for the next week.”
He starts to shake his head, and I stand up and wrap my arms around his body.
“I’m okay, Ghost,” I say against his chest. “I’m just a little tired, which is normal.”
“You had four seizures in under thirty minutes, Snow. That’s not what I would consider alright.”
“The man has a point.”
Dr. Francis smiles as he hands me my discharge papers.
“However,” he continues. “With your condition, it’s also not the first time we’ve seen this from you. She should be fine being alone as long as her service dog is with her.”
I can’t remember it happening, but apparently, Sky brought me my emergency nasal spray less than a minute before the firstseizure hit. When the doctor told me that it was in my system I had to log onto the security camera in my apartment to see what happened.
When I accepted the meds from Sky, I almost looked as if I was a zombie. My eyes are blank as I casually take what was given to me. Under any other circumstances, that could be a scary thing.