Page 34 of Echoes of Fear
Everything in me wants to submit to this man. I have to literally stop myself from flopping on my back and asking for belly rubs.
“Let’s get back to the topic you were on when I woke up,” I say breathlessly. “I don’t think you all realize how smart your Emily is.”
“She’s very brilliant,” Taylor says proudly.
“Yes, but she’s more than that. Emily is playing the long game.”
“Which is?”
“Do you really think she married Eddy because she loved him?” I ask. “Think about it, guys. I’ve never met her and even I know what type of person she is after the few conversations we’ve had. Really think about it.”
“I never approved of her and Edward,” Taylor admits.
“I hated the man since she first brought him home,” Reynolds says. “But she was so positive that she was in love with the bastard after only a few months.”
Emily didn’t tell me that I couldn’t tell her family what we talked about, but I know they’re going to be pissed.
“There’s a reason she wants us to back off,” I say.
“Yeah, because there was already a threat to your life,” Taylor growls.
“No. I mean, yeah, there was. But that was something that I already knew about and wasn’t too concerned.”
“Fuck, Knox,” Taylor growls. “Your safety is always something to be concerned about.”
“Anyway,” I say, ignoring the big man. “That’s not the real reason she wanted us to back off. She did it so that she doesn’t get exposed. The more I dug into her, the more likely attention would be drawn.”
“Baby boy, I only have so much patience.”
“Sorry,” I flinch. “Sometimes I talk too much. Anyway, Emily is, and has been, undercover for three years now.”
“Come again?” Taylor growls.
Oh boy.
“She’s not a cop,” Reynolds hisses, all playful tones completely gone.
“No, but she was trained to do what she’s doing,” I say. “She has police contact and a way out if she needs it. But things aren’t going as planned. Her boss wants her to wait it out for a few more months before they raid. She won’t last another few months.”
“I thought you said she was safe?” Taylor growls, looking at me with so much anger that I stand from the table and take a few steps back.
“She is,” I say shakily. Dang, he’s scary when he’s mad. “But she won’t just sit idly by much longer. She’s being used to lure in those young kids, and her next target is a six-year-old boy that they’ve had their eyes on. She can’t mentally handle it anymore.”
“Taylor, settle the fuck down,” Reynolds growls deadly. “Can’t you see that you’re scaring your boy?”
“Not his boy,” I pant. There is so much anger in Taylor’s eyes that I can’t breathe. I lower my head and clasp my hands together.
Freaking submission bullcrap.
I used to love being submissive. I love it when I’m not in control. I’ve always wanted to be completely owned. But it also comes with its drawbacks. Like, when a Dom, mine or not, is angry, I just shut down.
“Fuck,” Taylor sighs. “I’m not mad at you, baby boy. I’m fuckin’ furious at the situation. Please, don’t be afraid of me.”
Be brave, Knox. Just freaking look up.
“Please, come to me,” Taylor begs. “I need to hold you again.”
“You need an anchor?” I ask, raising my eyes to meet his.