Page 33 of Echoes of Temptation
“Blackhawk sent it to me,” he admits. “He’s a good man.”
“He’s dead to me,” I say, turning my glare from my phone to the uneaten burrito.
“We need to talk,” King says softly.
“We really don’t,” I say. “I don’t have anything I need to say to you and I don’t want to hear anything you have to say to me. Maybe that’s harsh, but I honestly don’t care.”
“I need to explain why I said those things,” he tries again.
“Dillon has already explained,” I tell him. I wonder if it would hurt if I tossed that burrito at his head? But then, I wouldn’t have anything to eat.
Sighing, I grab my water and take a drink.
I’m not really surprised the man is in my apartment. Heck, I’m not even mad. I’m just so dang frustrated. Why won’t he just leave me alone? How am I supposed to move on with my life if the person responsible for so much pain is always in it?
“I’m sorry that I didn’t believe you, baby,” he says, ignoring everything I’ve said. “Everything in me told me that you were telling the truth. I was angrier at myself for thinking I was tricked then at you.”
I simply look out the window. We’re not too far up so there isn’t a great view, but it’s better than looking into King’s eyes. He could so easily have me fall right back intoalmostlove with him with a simple look. It’s best to avoid that.
“I didn’t mean those words,” he continues. “I was hurt, angry, and embarrassed. I wanted you to feel the same way. I didn’t mean a single bit of what I said. If only you knew how beautiful I think you are you would never doubt me. I can’t tell you how sorry I am.”
“King,” I sigh for what feels like the hundredth time in ten minutes. “I know you didn’t mean them. I know why you said them. I even understand why you didn’t believe me. None of us knew I had an evil twin out there who looks one-hundred percent identical to me. I forgive you.”
Making a decision, I look into his eyes. The strong and confident gaze that I once knew is shrouded in sadness and a little fear.
“But it doesn’t change the impact of what those words did to me. It doesn’t change that my heart breaks every single time I think about them. I really do forgive you. But I just can’t forget. I’m trying, King. I’m trying really hard to forget. I don’t want to remember them. I don’t want to remember you or your family. Because every time I do, my heart rips apart. I would rather be tied to that dang chair receiving burn after burn then remember your words because it hurt far less.”
King doesn’t say anything for a long time. When he stands I just watch because this will be the last time I see him. He’s about to walk out of my life for good this time.
So, I’m shocked to my very core when he moves my coffee table and kneels down in front of me. He’s so close, but he doesn’t touch me. He simply crouches there.
“Eyes, baby,” he says softly.
I don’t want to. I rather like looking at the button on his cut. I wonder why he doesn’t have a title? I know he’s a patched member but I don’t think he’s an officer.
“Are you not an officer in your club?” I ask, fully aware I’m avoiding hearing whatever it is he’s wanting to say.
It takes him a few seconds before deciding to answer.
“No,” he says. “I was once asked to be the enforcer, but I didn’t think it was fair to give me such a big job knowing that I would have to leave at any given moment if I accepted an offer.”
“An offer being someone’s hitman?” I ask.
“Yeah, baby,” he answers. “I help the enforcer, Viper, when he needs it. I allow them to use my name when someone needs to be scared.”
The Obsidian Guardian. Yeah, that should be his title.
“I don’t think it’s fair that you don’t have a patch with a title,” I mumble. “Maybe they can make a new officer chair labeled the Guardian.”
“Maybe,” he chuckles. “I’m sure Ghost wouldn’t be opposed to the idea if some pretty lady would suggest it.”
“I’ll call Bitsy and Sophie later on,” I say, more to myself than anything. “I’m sure they can talk him into it.”
“Eyes,” he repeats.
I guess that part of our conversation is over.
I wonder if they make cuts in pink? Surely not all bikers like black leather. I look up to ask just that when his look stops me cold.