Page 29 of Echoes of Temptation
“The police are on their way,” Blackhawk says. “Why don’t you guys go ahead and take her to the hospital and I’ll wait. They’ll probably be in soon to ask you some questions, Shortcake.”
“The police?” I growl. “I don’t fucking think so.”
“Let the police handle this one, King,” Ghost says. “There’s no sense in getting your hands dirty if you don’t have to.”
“Look at her,” I yell. “Look at what they fucking did. No! They’re going to the chamber.”
“King,” Madaline whispers. “Please. I just want to go home.”
I look back at my beautiful woman and swear.
I try to ignore the heartbreak in her eyes as I kneel in front of her sitting form.
“My sweet baby,” I whisper. “They hurt you and you want them to walk away?”
“I want them to be punished,” she cries. “But I don’t want you to kill them. Killing them is too easy. Let them stay locked in prison for the rest of their lives.”
Everything in me screams to kill the ones who dared touch my woman, but I shove it down and nod.
“Come on,” I say. “I’m going to carry you to the car.”
“You’re going to do no such thing,” she exclaims. “I’m not going to have you embarrass me by trying to pick me up only to fall or drop me. I’ll walk.”
Growling, I lean down to lift her regardless but the look on her face causes me to stop short.
“I’m going to walk myself, King,” she says, slowly standing. “I’m going to walk past my birth mother and my twin on my own two legs.”
I take a step back with pride. I know she doesn’t think I can carry her but she’s very wrong. However, I want her to feel powerful as she walks by those bitches. They didn’t break her and they’re lucky as hell that I’m not breaking them.
Disappointment is strong knowing that they won’t be visiting my chamber.
Madeline holds her head high and she slowly walks through the trailer. The women never utter a sound. They must have been threatened.
By the time we reach the van, I can see sweat coating Madeline’s forehead from the amount of pain that I’m sure she’s in.
“Fuck,” Blaze says. “You guys go ahead. Steel and I will stay here with Blackhawk until the police arrive.”
“Get in the van and get out of here,” Blackhawk calls from the door. “I don’t want the police looking into you guys over this. I already have my men working on removing Ben’s trail to King. Just get gone.”
“I’ll squeeze back there with you and Venom,” Viper says. “Maddy can sit up here.”
“I gave you your walk,” I tell Madeline as I open the door and take my seat. “You’re sitting on my lap where I can keep you safe. Squeezing between me and Venom will only cause you pain.”
“King,” she starts.
“Please, Madeline,” I beg. “I know you’re pissed at me. I know I hurt you. These are things we will talk about some other day. For now, please, just let me hold you.”
“I don’t want to squish you,” she whispers. “I can just sit in the front. Viper says he’ll give up his seat.”
“Are there any burns on your back?” I ask. “Or the backs of your knees?”
“Uhm, no,” she answers. “Why?”
Without another word, I get out of the car and pick my stubborn ass woman up bridal style before turning and getting back in.
Her gasp is the only sound she makes as I adjust us enough to shut the door.
After everyone is in the van, Ghost pulls out of the trailer park.