Page 10 of Echoes of Temptation
“I’m sure you were, King, but I really need a shower and then I need to go to my apartment.”
“Why do you need to go to your apartment?” I ask.
“Because my school work is there,” she tells me. “And then I need you to take me to my parent's house so that I can get my car.”
“What do you need either of those things for?” I ask. Did the crazy woman forget her life was in danger?
“School starts back up tomorrow,” she tells me, tossing her hands on those sexy fucking hips. “I haven’t so much as thought about my lesson plans for tomorrow let alone the next week.”
“You’re not going anywhere,” I growl.
The thought of her putting herself in danger makes my blood boil. Not fucking happening.
“I have to work, your highness,” she glares. “Those kids depend on me. I don’t care if you hold a gun to my head, I will walk into that school building bright and early tomorrow morning. So, let’s just do this on my terms. Take me to my parents to get my car and I’ll do the rest.”
“They can get someone to cover your classes,” I tell her. “It won’t be much longer. I’m heading out in the morning to follow up on some leads.”
“My classes can’t be covered for more than a day, King,” she sighs. “I have a special needs class, remember? My aide can handle the class for a little while but she isn’t trained to handle those kids the way that I am. I’m going to school in the morning, King. Those kids need me and I will not let them down.”
“I understand that,” I tell her honestly. “But I can’t be pulled in so many directions. I can’t hunt for the people who want to hurt you and watch over you at the same time. That’s the whole reason I brought you here so that my brothers can keep you safe while I’m out.”
She sits on her bed and just stares at me.
“Fine,” I growl. “But you will do as I say. You will follow the rules.”
“What rules?” she asks.
“I will escort you into the building in the morning,” I tell her. “I will have someone watching not only you but the school’s cameras as well. Then I will come and bring you back once your work hours are over. You will do as I say and not deviate from the plan. Do you understand?”
Freaking bossy jerk.
“I understand,” I say, holding back my smile. I knew I would get my way. King may be a jerk most of the time, but I’m starting to wear him down. I don’t care what he said before, by the time this thing is done and over with, King and I will be best friends.
I just know it.
Chapter Six
“Ms. Burton, why is there a big man following you?”
I smile and sit down in the small chair beside Lucy. These little chairs are the bane of my big old butt’s existence, but it’s the perfect size for my six to eight-year-olds.
“Lucy, this is my friend, Mr. King,” I tell her. “He wanted to see where I worked.”
Lucy smiles before pushing the joystick of her chair back. Moving away from the desk, she pushes the joystick forward until she’s right next to King.
“Hello, my name is Lucy,” she greets as if she’s a tiny adult. “I’m eight years old and I have Cerebral Palsy. It means my body doesn’t really work the way it’s supposed to. But Ms. Burton says that my mind is as bright and intelligent as a fifth grader and even though my body won’t grow muscles like the other kids I still need to exercise my brain because it is the greatest muscle a person can have.”
“Well, hello, Miss Lucy,” King smiles.
I’ve watched him smile often this past week when his family was around. His entire face transforms when he smiles and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. He hasn’t smiled at me yet, but I’ve made it my life’s goal to get one. Just a single true smile. Not those dang sexy smirks.
However, as he smiles and leans down to Lucy’s level, I feel jealous of the woman he will one day meet and call his. She’s going to be one lucky woman.