Page 57 of Echoes From Within
“As of right now, it’s just adults and one child, eight years old. But I won’t know who will be in the community room until seven.”
“That’s fine,” she says. “I’ll make sure I have everything ready either way.”
“How are we on formula?” I ask.
“We haven’t had any donated in several months,” she tells me. “But, we still have about ten cans of powder left.”
“I’ll see what I can do about ordering a few different brands in bulk,” I tell her. “Check your inventory and let me know what you need. I’ll reach out to some of our sponsors and then I’ll buy whatever isn’t donated.”
“Will do. Would you like some chili?”
“No, thank you, Donna. However, if you wouldn’t care to make a couple extra hotdogs I wouldn’t complain.”
Smiling, she nods and walks away.
I do a quick check-in with John before heading towards the new girl’s room.
“Hello,” I call out when I reach her door. “It’s me, Miss Sophie.”
“Come in,” she answers in a hushed voice.
I slowly open the door and step into her room.
“Hello,” I smile. I had only met her a few minutes earlier before we took her room because her anxiety was getting the best of her. “You know what? I don’t think I got your name.”
“The people who brought me in call me Zoe but my real name is…”
“Don’t tell me,” I rush to say as gently as possible. “Right now, let’s call you Zoe. But, when things are safer then I would really love to know your real name.”
“Okay, ma’am,” she whispers looking defeated.
I understand. She doesn’t feel like anyone sees her. She’s being called a name that isn’t hers. She’s in a place that isn’t her room. Talking to an adult that she doesn’t yet trust.
I was in her exact shoes not very long ago. Sure, the circumstances were different and I will do everything in my power to make sure she comes to no harm here. But Zoe and Seven are more alike in regard to being forgotten.
Sighing, I shut her door and sit on the bed. She’s currently crouching on the floor in the corner of the small room.
“How about this,” I say. “Come over here and whisper what your real name is. When we’re in private that’s what I’ll call you. But only if you promise to call me Sophia or Sophie.”
A bright smile breaks out on her freckled face.
“Okay,” she says, rushing to stand.
“My name is Alice,” she whispers next to my ear. “But I like to be called Allie.”
Instead of returning to her spot on the floor, my new friend takes a seat beside me on the bed.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Allie,” I smile. “I hope that we can be friends. So, I need to know something pretty important.”
Her little brows crinkle as she waits for my very important question.
“Hot dogs or chili?”
“Hot dogs,” she smiles, her brows smoothing. “With ketchup.”
“Yum. Do you want to come with me while I do some paperwork in my office? It might be a little boring but I have coloring books and a TV you could watch.”
“Yes, please,” she says, practically jumping on the bed.