Page 39 of Echoes From Within
Then his eyes flick to me and they soften in a way that changes his entire face.
“Hello, little wolf,” he says with a slight nod to his head. “It’s cold out here. Let me get you settled in the heat of the truck while your man and I take care of this.”
“He’s not my man,” I mutter.
The man, King, just chuckles.
“Come on, little wolf,” he smiles.
He turns to leave but I hesitate to follow.
“Do you trust me, babygirl?” Travis asks.
I look back to see that he has the doctor on his belly with his foot pressed to the back of his neck.
But his eyes are locked with mine, full of concern.
Do I trust him?
My head is screaming that I have no reason to. I don’t even know this man. I met him once for a very short time.
But something deeper is telling me that I can trust him with my life.
“Yeah,” I whisper. “I trust you.”
“Good,” he smiles. “Then believe me when I tell you that King wouldn’t harm a single hair on your head. Follow him so that he can get you safely tucked away for me.”
I mean, when he puts it like that what other choice do I have? Turning, I follow the mysterious unknown man to his unknown truck so that he can tuck me away inside.
The second I step outside, I’m aware of how cold it actually is. I’m wearing jeans and a short-sleeved shirt but not once tonight did I feel the cold. Shivering, I stop a few feet from King.
“I have the heater going on high,” he tells me, stepping away from the door. “Climb into the backseat. There’s a blanket and pillow already there in case you want to take a nap.”
I’m grateful he decided to step back. Travis promises that his friend is a good man, but I’m still scared. Not that I would say that out loud.
The fact of the matter is, I’m always scared these days. Especially when it comes to men. I don’t think I’ll ever not be afraid anymore.
Moving quickly, I manage to haul my body into this massive truck and into the small backseat.
“I’m going to shut the door now, little wolf,” he tells me softly, almost as if he were talking to an actual wild, skittish wolf.
Nodding, I grab the blanket in the seat beside me and wrap it around my shivering body.
“What the hack is happening?” I question out loud when I’m alone.
Chapter Thirteen
“Did you kill him already?” King asks when he walks back into the half-finished building.
“No. Just gave him enough of the heroine to knock him out cold.”
“I still think you should have just stabbed him with both the needles,” Miles complains.
“Good,” he responds. “Ghost told me some of the things this man did to those women and men. Did he do anything to hurt you while you were there?”
King’s voice is as calm and smooth as ever, but his eyes darken with rage. No one fucks with this man’s family.